Chapter 8

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Annabella's POV!

I woke up and looked around. I was still in the tree house, but Chandler wasn't. I got up and walked a little over to the small window. I smiled and watched him and his friends. He was with Blake and Dylan. 

It was really cute how they sit in a little circle throwing around a football and talking. They remind me of girls a lot of time because you don't normally see boys do that. I was thrown out of my gaze and the little door opened and Chandler walked in.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked and smiled.

"Yeah looking at girly boys talk in a circle is real fun to watch." 

"Well we should probably get back to my house. Your parents got home last night, but my mom had our backs. I just know today I may die because I know if I had a sixteen year old daughter and she stayed with an eighteen year old all night in a tree house that boy wouldn't be to alive lying in a hospital bed."

"Wow your going to be one of those dads."

"There isn't anything wrong with being over protective. I'm glad my parents are not, but having a guy is different then having a girl. At least that's what my dad and every other family member says." he smiled while laughing.

I jumped on his back and he started to climb down the wooden ladder. Blake and Dylan was standing there smiling and Chandler punched the arm. I laughed because they act exactly like girls.

"Not funny. Have you ever got punched by him." Blake said.

"Hey you think I hit hard try take a hit from her. Including when she is asleep." Chandler said helping me in his truck.

"What can I say when I am only around guys everyday." I said.

"That's why they make girls sports teams sweetie." Dylan said.

"Alright guys that's enough. We need to get back to my house before her dad thinks I ran off to Vegas or some place with her. I need to get back before I start to go past the point of no return."

"Ha the Phantom of the Opera reference." I said.

Chandler got in and shut the door. He started the truck and Blake and Dylan stood there.

"So tonight are we studying football plays?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah unless you want to make out with your girlfriend some more." Blake said laughing.

"Hey it was one kiss leave it alone." Chandler said and backed up.

I maybe a jerk, but I can't believe he told his friends.

Chandler's POV!

I was driving then all of a sudden I started to get beat up. I grabbed my arm and tried to not wreck.

"Hey whats the matter with you I'm driving stop hitting me."

"You told your friends."

"Yeah so, you would tell your friends."

"Chandler you know that is different. My friends have no reason to make fun of you."

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