Chandler's POV!
I woke up and turned on my side. I was grabbed which scared the heck out of me. I opened my eyes not half way asleep anymore. My family was standing in my room. I laid back down and tried to sleep again.
"Wake up." my uncle said.
"Who is the girl."
"Her name is Annabella. Go away."
"Why? Are you sleepy?" my aunt asked.
"Yes I am sleepy actually."
Annabella punched me in the stomach. The girl is hurtful. I got up and walked to the corner of my room with a blanket.
"That hurt." I mumbled.
Annabella woke up and she looked at me. I laughed and put a hoodie on. I threw one to her and she smiled.
"Hi." everyone responded.
My parents ran in and laughed. Annabella grabbed my arm.
"Time to go home." she said.
"It's just my family, chill."
"I do not chill that is how you get CHILL-dren."
I laughed. That was the lamest thing ever.
"Oh no you should stay." my grandma said.
"Yes stay go meet them. While your not in your fighting state I'm going to go back to bed and sleep so goodnight and have fun."
She is going to beat me up later. I don't care as long as I get to sleep.
Annabella's POV!
I walked down stairs and sat down in the middle of Lindsey and Steven. This is really awkward.
"So who are you?" an elderly asked.
"My name is Annabella."
"She was our all-star catcher and she played volleyball and basketball, but she just got into a really bad car wreck so she can't play anymore." Steven said.
"Are you and Chandler dating?" his aunt asked.
"Oh no we are not we are just really great friends."
"I think they would be really cute though." Lindsey said.
"I think so too." his grandma said.
"I am just going to go back up stairs." I said running up the stairs.
I opened the door and jumped on his back again. Chandler hit my arm and moved.
"Stop doing that."
"Doing what?" I asked.
"Don't play that game. Why are you in here anyway I thought you where meeting people."
"Your family is scary."
"Alright then."
I turned on the tv to watch some basketball. Chandler walked out the door. Finally just me and basketball. How it's meant to be.
Chandler's POV!
I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down by my mom. She hugged me and smiled.
"Where is your little friend?" my grandmother asked.
"She is watching basketball."
"Oh." she said back.
My phone rang and i answered it.
"Hey you are going to hate me so much."
"Why? Luke what did you do."
There was a knock on the door. I put my phone on speaker and sat it on the table. I got up to get the door.
"Luke tell me what you did."
"Uh I don't think you want to know."
I opened the door. Great the police.
"Chandler Michealson."
"Uh yes."
"Get the girl."
I was thrown into the wall and hand cuffed. How fun. Annabella was brought down and sat next to me. Well this looks fantastic.
"Luke what the hell did you do."
"Bye." he said and hung up.
"Hey friend."
"Chandler what did you do."
"Me your in the same position as me."
"Yeah, but I don't know what I did."
"Okay so we are going to explain. People on your baseball team has been caught with alcohol and steroids so we just want to check. We are going to have to take blood." One of the officers said.
They took blood and tested it. They let us go and they left after saying that we where good. We looked at each other and laughed so hard.
Great lessons are mad from bad memories.

No Regrets
Teen FictionHe was the all star athlete of football, basketball, and baseball and she was the injured athlete who changed. They both had a crush, but they didn't say anything. One mistake can change your whole world or one risk could change it as well. Who real...