Chandler's POV!
I woke up and I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed. I noticed Annabella put something on about missing her friend. Today is going to be one of the hard days. I decided to text her.
"Hey I want to know that there will always be hard days, but I am here. You where there when I lost my friend and I wasn't as close to him as you where with your's but there is still some hard days. Don't drink like I did, but you can call, text, or come hang out."
I feel so bad for her. I was just sitting here thinking and phone started to ring. I picked it up.
"Hi what is up"
"Nothing much. You okay?"
"Yeah just a hard day today."
"Wanna come and hang out?"
"Uh I don't know."
"Well you know where I live. I will be home all day doing nothing and being bored out of my mind."
She laughed and hung up. At least I got her to laugh. I walked down stairs and my mom smiled at me.
"Hey smiley."
"Mother your terrible at hiding when your so smiley so tell me why all of this is happening." I pointed to her face.
"Nothing you and Annabella are getting very close."
"Where you listening to me on the phone?"
"No look at her last Facebook post. It's kind of cute."
I took my dads phone because I was not about to walk up the stairs. Cue Bruno Mars Lazy Song. I opened the app and sat down.
"Why did you take my phone?"
"Why are you being a teenager." I asked.
"Wow you woke up sassy today."
He pushed me side ways and walked away from me. I laughed and sat up. My dad will always be a child. I logged into my Facebook account that I barley get on and I looked her up.
The post said, "Getting ready to hang out with my favorite idiot loser ever. Hoping I don't regret actually getting out of the house today."
Awe this is adorable. I was smiling and my dad hit the back of my head. He grabbed his phone back. He jumped over the couch and sat by me. The guy was in track to.
"So you are being a hormonal teenage boy because of what a girl said and she didn't even tag you in the post. Makes a lot of sense."
The doorbell ran and he looked at me. I looked at him waiting to get it. My mom walked in and stared at us/ She opened the door and my family walked in and some of their friends who are basically family.
"You to are so lazy."
"We know." we said at the same time.

No Regrets
TeenfikceHe was the all star athlete of football, basketball, and baseball and she was the injured athlete who changed. They both had a crush, but they didn't say anything. One mistake can change your whole world or one risk could change it as well. Who real...