A Multitalent Kids

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A/N : Hey! This is the 2nd book from "Fall In Love (Scirstie) [Book One],if you not read it yet please read so you know the previous story! Hope you enjoy this! :)

Skip...9 years later...

Scott's POV

The Hoyings already on 3th grade of elementary school,it's August and PTX currently have a break from tour because Kevin and Alyssa must take care of their 1 year old little girl,Jessica Smith Olusola. Also Mitch and Gloria must take care of their 3 years old little boy,Peter Michael Grassi. Of course they all already got married. Esther and Avi still stay at our old apartment with Ben. And we're literally take a really long tour break. By the way,The Hoyings is growing up to be a multitalent kids. Their main talent are singing,of course. But they also have a talent at sports. Chris can play a basketball as well,Richard can play a voleyball,and Hoying Girls have a skills to play a badminton. That's why a half of our enormous yard has changed into a multicourt ; basketball court,volleyball court and badminton court. But they either singing and play an instruments than playing with their favorite sports. Chris can play a piano,Richard and Calista can play a guitar,and Carista can play a cello,just like her uncle,Kevin. They often playing the instruments together in music room. Or sometimes they will ask me and Kirstie to play their favorite sports. They're also being a smart students at school. How lucky me and Kirstie can got these kids.

Kirstie's POV

We're currently on our way to pick The Hoyings up from school. "Mom! Dad!" The twins run at me and Scott. "Hey! How was y'all school?" Scott asked. "It's great! I'm playing basketball with my friends when waiting for daddy and mom." Chris said. "That's why you're smell so bad." Carista said. "Okay,okay just get into the car and we'll back to home." Scott said. They all get in and we're come back to home. "Now change your clothes and take your lunch." I said. "Yes mom." The Hoyings said in unison and go to upstairs. Few minutes later,they all go to kitchen. "Fried chicken!" The boys yelled. "Look,they really have a same hobby with you." I said to Scott,giggled. "Cause fried chicken is life. And pizza." He said,smirked. "Mom,dad,would you please help us to do our math homework?" Chris come to me after they finishing their lunch. They're also a classmates so they always have a same homeworks."Sure. Bring your books here." Scott said. They run to upstairs and take their homework books. "Mom,dad, can we play a badminton together?" Calista said as we finished the homeworks. "It's still 2:30 pm,too hot to get outside. We will play at 4 pm." I said. "Okay! We love you mom,dad!" They said. I love to play a badminton with the girls.

Calista POV

"But we want to play volleyball at 4!" Richard said. "Wait. We? You mean me and you? I'm gonna work with my piano so it just you. Not us." Chris said. "Chris,please..." Richard begging. "Sorry Mr. Richard,I can't." Chris said while going to music room. "I either work with music today." He continued. "Ugh,Chris..." Richard mumbled. "Richard why don't you play with us? Me and Carista can teach you how to play badminton." I said. "No I don't like badminton." He said,simply. "Ohh boy...don't be sad. Come here." Dad said. He come and sit between mom and dad. "How about you and your sisters play a "peek a boo"? Y'all never play that in a long time right?" Dad said and mom nodded. "Sure! Please Richard,Carista!" I said. I'm so excited. Finally we all play that old game while mom and daddy watch a Netflix together. I'm run too fast and accidentally bumped into Chris when he get out from music room. "Argh! Hey what are you doing?" He groaned when he almost fall down. "Sorry. We just playing peek a boo." I said. "Really...seems like someone was forgotten here." He said while crossing his arms. "Hey boy you said that you working inside so we wouldn't disturb or ask you out cause you'll yelled at us and now you got mad because we're not ask you? What do you want,Chris Hoying??" I mumbled. "Excuse me but I don't got angry,I just asking!" He said. "Can you both just stop I want to watching TV not watching you arguing like that!" Dad said. All's quiet. We're actually afraid when daddy get angry,he will be so scary. "Sorry dad.." me and Chris said in unison. "Now go play somewhere and don't make a mess around." Dad said. "Yes dad." We all said,then we go to upstairs and stay in our bedrooms.

Kirstie's POV

The Hoyings is very scared when their dad got angry,so they are go upstairs and hide at bedroom. They back downstairs at 4 pm to play a badminton with me and Scott. The boys go to Mitch's house to hanging out there cause they will get bored watching their sisters playing. Mitch and Kevin were our neighborhood since they're married. We can walk to go to their house. We stop to play and the boys come home when the sun start to hide itself at the west side. The Hoyings go to music room to singing some music and play an instruments after we finished our dinner. Scott help me to wash the dishes while listening to the singing Hoyings. "The girls has a same angelic voice like you." Scott said. "And the boys have a incredible skills to play an instruments,same with you." I continued. "How lucky that we both can have a multitalent kids like them." Scott said while put the plates together. We both accompanying them in music roomntill 9 pm. "Go brush your teeth and go to sleep. Good night,kids." I said. "Good night mom,dad." They said in unison. After they go to upstairs,me and Scott watching a TV like usual till I fall asleep at Scott's shoulder. Then I don't know anything. I was exhausted when play a badminton so I really want to sleep.

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