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Richard POV

Me and Chris just finished to bathing at the river. We heard one of our sister yelled. “Let’s see what happened!” Chris said as he wear his clothes and run over,followed by me. “Daddy!” All of us screaming when we saw our dad fell to the ground and got unconscious. “Scott! Scottie can you hear me? Scott!!” Mom yelled and start to cry her eyes out. “NO,NOO!” Mom shouted as he hug our dad. Aunty Gloria and Peter froze seeing our parents. Aunty Gloria immediately hug Calista and Carista. “He will save…he will…trust me kids.” She said while start to cry. “Urgh,I HATE THIS.” Chris mumbled. Suddenly we heard something from the west side of the wood. A sound of people coming and….dog? “Over here! Guys!” We turned around to see…”IT’S UNCLE AVI AND UNCLE KEV! And they’re with police! OMG thanks God! “Avi,Kevin!!” Mom shouted happily. “We’re catched the doer and our partners already bring him to our office. We will bring your husband to the hospital.”  The police said when the others helping our dad while aunty Gloria try to waking up uncle Mitch. ‘Mitch,wake up hun. The police already arrived.” She said. “Ahh…finally…” uncle said as he stretch his body. We’re finally get out from that scary wood and immediately go to hospital before it’s too late for dad and uncle Mitch.

At hospital...

Kirstie's POV

Scott and Mitch already have a blood donation at hospital. They're treated in the same room. Mitch already got better while Scott still lying there unconscious. I just sit besides him while holding his hand. "Don't worry Kirst. Look,his face isn't pale like before. He will be okay. Trust me." Mitch said,smiling to me. "'re right...he'll be okay..." I mumbled. "Mom...we're hungry..." Chris mumbled. His siblings standing besides him with their puppy eyes. "Aw sweetheart,mom will ask uncle Kev to bring you home so you can get foods there,okay?" I said as I looked at Kevin who sit with Avi behind me. He nodded and take his car's key. "No mom,we don't want to leave. We want to stay and wait for dad till he's awake." Richard said. "Yeah,we just want to eat here while waiting for daddy." Calista added. Kirstie and Kevin look at each other. "Honey,you haven't take a bath yet. Please go home and clean yourself,kids. You also didn't have enough sleep last night. I don't want any of you get sick later." I explain. "But mom..." Carista denies. "Baby please...I love all of you. I don't want something bad happens to you after this horrible accident." I try to explain again. "Uh okay...." They're mumbled. "Gloria,Peter,you both must go back too. I also didn't want something bad happens to you both." Mitch said. "But who will take care of you here if we both go back?" Gloria said. "I just tell Esther,Ben,Alyssa and Jessica to come over. Don't worry." Avi said. "Okay,I'll bring Gloria and the kids to go home. Ohh, I also will call a sills artisan to fix your broken door,Kirst,Mitch." Kev said. "Thank you so much for a help!" I said. "Ya,thanks you both." Mitch smiled. "No problem,Queens." Kevin said and Avi smiled.

Mitch's POV

Few minutes later after Kevin bring my wife and the kids to home,the guys come over. "Oh my God! How about Scott,Kirst? Mitch do you feel better?" Esther asked,worried. "I'm so much better,Esther." I answered while smiling. "Scott lost so much blood. He still unconscious." Kirstie said with sad tone. "That bastard...luckily he's already on jail. If he didn't,I already punch his face hard right now." Ben mumbled. "Where's daddy,mommy?" Little Jessica asked after her little eyes scanned the whole room to find his dad. "Your dad bring The Hoyings and Peter to go back to home." I said. "I want daddy..." Her eyes started to watering. "Don't worry baby,he will come later." Alyssa try to calming her. "Really...?" She asked. "Of course." Her mom smiled. "Yaayy!" That little girl shouted happily. "But your daddy have something to do at uncle's house so I guess he will little late to come here." I said. "Really...?? Uhm...okay.." She mumbled. "Scott? Scott you're awake!" Kirstie suddenly yelled. "Someone call the doctor,he's awake!" She said again. Ben immediately run to search the doctor. Finally!

Kirstie's POV

I'm surprised when saw Scott's hand started to moving slowly. I asked the guys to call the doctor. When the doctor come,he asked us to wait outside,so we just get out from the room and wait there. Few minutes later,he exited and I immediately asked him. "How about my husband's condition,doctor?" I asked. "He's recovered so fast after lost so much blood. His blood pressure back to normal and if nothing happens in few days later he may go back to home." The doctor said. "Did he awake? May we see him?" I asked again. "Of course. Okay,I must go now. Goodbye,Mrs. Hoying." Doctor said as he smiled and walked away. "Thanks doctor!" I said,half-yelled. We come in and see Scott already open his eyelid to show us his beautiful blue eyes. "Scott!" I hugged him. "Kirstie..." He mumbled. "I'm glad you finally awake." I said. Suddenly,a tears running down from my cheeks. He looks at me and wiped my tears away. "Why did you cry? I already awake." He said. "This is a happiness tears,you know." I giggled. After that,we have a little conversation then let him and Mitch to take a rest.

A/N : Hey guys! Yeah I'm updating another chapter cause I currently have no homeworks at school so I can write this chapter. Maybe the next chapter will be the last chapter on this book. Hope you guys enjoy this,thank you for reading,and bye! <3

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