Suffer and Struggle (Part 2)

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Kirstie's POV 

"I'm so happy that our kids can do that for me. They're same with you..." Scott says as he smiled to me. He got so much better after drink that traditional medicine. I hug him. "Yeah,same with you who always be a hero." I kissed his forehead. "Take a rest,honey. I know Kevin and the others will find out about us." I said again. He smiled and sleep besides Mitch who already snorting. "Mom...when will we escape this scary jungle? I'm scared..." Calista said as she hide at my right side. "Don't worry darling,we will escape all of this later. Nobody will get hurts again. I promise you." I said to her and she smiles. When all of them already go to their dreams,tears started to running down from my cheeks. I can't stop thinking about Scott and Mitch. Are we going to escape all of this? I can't stop thinking about Hoying Boys and Gloria. Can they keep theirself save in this wild jungle? Please God,no more problem. We all already suffering right now. 

Richard's POV

Aunty and us already found some lumbers on. "Damn this is so heavy" I said. "Let's go back. Maybe there's a wild animals over here. Ya know,wild junglee" Aunty said when carry some lumbers. When we finally go back,all of them sleeping peacefully except mommy. She's crying there. Me and Chris immediately throw the damn lumbers away and run inside. "Mom...Mom! What happened?" Chris whispered as we hug her. "No...uhh..." She wiped her tears away. "Just tell us,Kirst. Perhaps we can help." Aunty Gloria comes after add some lumbers to fireplace. "Well...I just overthinking about Scott and Mitch. How we can escape this forest while they're still weak like that?" I said. "We will. Trust me. There's Avi and Kevin with their family out there and they will searching for us. I belive they will." Gloria said. "Ya,aunty's right." I said. Mom just give a little smile. "Mom I want to take a bath. That river looks good..." Chris said as he see Scott's phone. "8 am?? Woahh we're not go to school today...." I said while look down. Mom and Aunty look at each other. "You may take a bath there but don't go too far and becareful." Mom said. "Thanks mom!" Me and Chris run to the river and throw our shirt away.

Meanwhile,in their hometown...

Kevin's POV 

"Yo dragon,let's go to SUP3RFRUIT house,we may buy Starbucks together and enjoy it at rooftop." I said when Avi come and sit besides me. He always come over at morning because bored being alone at apartment waiting for Ben and Esther wake up at million hours later. "Good idea. You'll pay mine,right?" He patted my back while smirked. "Nah to the ah to the of course no." I said while take my car's key. Avi gave his frown face. "Do you want to go or?" I ask him. "Okay,okay" He got up and walk behind me. "Darling,I'm going to SF house,lock all the door and keep yourself as I go okay? Love you hun!" I shouted as get into the car. "Okay my Kevo." Alyssa yelled from kitchen. "Scott and Mitch will be happy if we ask them to buy their favorite Starbucks with us." Avi said. "Exactly." I said. But when we arrived there..."WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENED HERE?! SCOTT! KIRSTIE!!!" Avi yelled when saw Scirstie's house was so mess af. I see a dry blood in front of their house. I run to Mitch's house. Oh. My. Godness. Same sight with Scott's house. "JEREMY!!!" I and Avi screamed together. Avi immediately called a police while me identifing the blood. Hmm....

Avi's POV 

"There's a car tires's formed with this blood! It's lead to...uhm...somewhere over there...." I pointed at my direction. "We should wait for the police first then we can tell about this car tires with blood on so they can bring us together with them." Kev's said. So we just wait. Then a few minutes later,the police comes and we tell them about everything. They immediately bring us with them while identifying a dry blood. We follow that car tires on. It stops at a forest. What?? Where the hell they are. Oh! There's a empty old house there with a car parked beside it. Looks so suspicious...we get into it and found an unconscious Jeremy there. Not far from him there's a blood pool again with a trail that started on a window. A fucking blood trail. Some of the police takes Jeremy to the car and bring him to the office for further action. "Take our dog now!" One of the police yelled to his partner. The bloodhounds started to sniff and run into the wood while me and Kev following behind them.


Scott's POV

I woke up and feel so much better than before,but I think I lost a lot of blood because that bastard,so I'm started to feel weak again. I told Kirstie about it. "Just hold on till Avi and Kevin find us. Please..." Kirstie said with a worried tones. "Daddy don't leave us!" The youngest girl of my kids yelled while crying. "Darling,what did you cry? Dad will be okay,promise." I hug a little girl who sit in front of me. "But Dad you're pale again!" Calista said. "Don't worry..." I patted her shoulder. Chris and Richard suddenly run to me when I started to trembling and a darkness immediately surrounded around me and I don't know what happened after that.

A/N : Hey y'all! What's up ^^ So I just wrote this chapter at school with my laptop using school's wifi ^^ there's no emoji   
          here so ya ^^ btw thanks for reading this,pardon my English and hope you enjoy it,thank you ^^ <3

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