Back to a Normal Life

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Scott's POV

It's almost a week since me and Mitch have been treated at hospital. Today,we both already allowed to go home. "Yaayy daddy's back!!" Chris shouted. "Kids,come here. Can you help me to packing some stuff?" Mom said. "Yes mom." We said in unison and started to help her. I look at Mitch who currently cuddling with his little boy at his bed. My heart can't be more happy seeing this family back to normal again with no tears and sadness like before. We're back to our normal life. After all's ready,we're leaving the room and do little farewell with the doctors and nurses who treated me and Mitch. When we arrived at my home,the guys already welcoming us. I feel weird when looking at my own house,maybe because I've been living for almost a week. "What about a party tonight,for celebrating a return of our Scomiche?" Esther said. "Why not?" I smirked. What a good idea for refreshing after locked at boring room at hospital. "Okay,me,Esther,and Avi will buy a foods and Kevin will preparing the stuff with Alyssa. And for SUP3RFRUIT family,just sit down at couch and wait for us. How?" Ben asked. "Okayyy" We shouted in unison. I take a deep breath. "We are 100% saved now,right Kirst?" I said when I look at my wife. She smiled. "Yes. And I'm so happy you're here,right now,with us. With me and our kids." She said. " I am..." I said while looking at The Hoyings who played with little Peter and Jessica. I'm lying at Kirstie's lap and started to sleep.

Mitch's POV

Me and Gloria watching a TV when Peter plays hide and seek with Jessica and The Hoyings. Their high-pitched voices echoing to every corner at this house. "Mitch,Gloria,we will go to upstairs to take some nap. If you need something you can yelled from our bedroom's door,okay?" Scott said. "Okay,I think I just need foods." I smiled. "Refrigerator waiting for you then." Kirstie giggled. "Hm,yeah. Your house is my house and my house is your house." I said as I walked to refrigerator. "Can I take all?" I giggled. "What a sassy brassy Grassi."Scott said. "What a memory,Scotland." I said when I take some fruits. "Yeah,okay gotta go." Kirstie said as she and her husband go upstairs. "Aunty,where's my dad and mom?" Calista asked when she try to find her parents at family room. "They're at upstairs,hun." Gloria said. "You need something?" I asked. "Um,no. Okay thanks uncle and aunty" She said as she run to her older brother.

Kirstie's POV

"Kirst." Scott called me after he closed our bedroom door. "What?" I asked as I sit to the bed edge. "Did you know how much I miss you after all this drama?" He said while look at my eyes. I blushed. He immediately slammed his lips against mine. He licked my bottom lips for an entrance and I obeyed. Our tongue fighting in dominance and he won,as usual. "I miss you so bad." He said after let out a hard breath. "Miss you too,my noodle." I hugged him. We're cuddling in our bed till evening. "I miss your warm hugs,Honey....don't go..." Scott mumbled like a 5 years old when I'm gonna get out from bedroom. "Big baby..." I said as I come back to hug him. "We must go downstairs to see the others. It's already 5 pm. Go take a bath,my boy. We must get ready for a party" I said. "Okay,momma." He said as he walked into a bathroom. After getting ready,we go downstairs and everyone already dressed up. "You both just like a new wed tho" Kevin giggled. We all go to backyards for a party. There's a BBQ which I know bought by Avi,a chicken and sausages. There's a vodka bought by Ben and Esther. We started to partying with that stuffs till almost 9 pm. After all were back to their own house,we clean up the dishes and get ready to go to sleep. "Goodnight,mom,dad." Our kids greeted from their bedrooms. "Goodnight,my sweethearts. Have a nice dreams." I said. "I want to hug you till morning cause I didn't get to do that at hospital. Lay down and hug me,momma." Scott's voice sounds like a 5 years old again. "Umm....Okay my big baby..." I said while lay down and hug him tight. He getting closer to me and ended up with his lips slammed on mine again.

A/N : Well,this is the last chapter and the story finally end. I don't know if the ending was good but I try tho ^^ Also thank you so much for reading my book,I know its far from "perfect" but at least I really try ;) Probably will continue the other story (Water) if I didn't have any homeworks. Once again thank you so much :* :*

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