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What is he doing here. When I look at his face all I want to do is smack that grin off his face. "What do you want Mike?" his grin grows wider. "I just came to see my son" he says smiling evily. "He's sleeping you can come when he's awake. His smile fades. I know I lied but I don't Mike to see Harry.

"Well I'll see you next time" someone taps me in the back. I turn around and see Ashton holding Jake. "Well I'll see you later" he hands me Jake "well daddy's has to go buddy, bye" he pats Jake in the head and kisses my cheek. "Bye" he walks away.

When he's far away I notice Mike has not yet left. He stares at me wondering who Ashton is. "That's Ashton Jake's father" he smiles. "Silly girl I know who he is". He says and walks away.

My phone rings.

I answer. "Hello?" the voice at the other side surprises me. "Hey um Cassie I was wondering if we could meet up later to talk". Why is he even calling we had agreed to break up. "Sure how about up front?" he sighs. "Thanks see you in five". He sounded happy about me saying yes.

I stand up and go to my room and change. When I go back I'm welcomed by questioning faces.

"I'm going out, I'll be back in an hour. Be careful and Samantha if you follow me I'll kill you" she nods and I leave.

As I get on the elevator I can't help but wonder why he wanted to meet if we had nothing to do with each other anymore. The elevator door opens and I'm welcomed by some guys I've never seen before. A shock of pain goes through my body and I fall on the floor drifting of to darkness.



She said she would be back?
But it's been three hours since.

"Hey dude you okay?" I shake my head. "When she says she's gonna be here in an hour she is here in an hour. But it's been three I'm getting woried". He walk up to the door. "Let's go look for her" I stand up and follow him out.

I had come back from a meeting for my company, besides being a gangleader I have my own business, but when I came back I was surprised by the news that Cassie had gone out promising to return in an hour but has been gone for almost 5 hours.

We go to the reception and ask. "I saw her about 4 hours ago she was leaving with some guys" Who did she leave with? It's not like she knows many people the only other guys I know about are Conner and Mike but I don't think she would go with Mike.

I try describing both I them but she shakes her head saying there where three men around her when she last saw her. When I find the people responsible they will wish they had committed suicide before I got to them.


I wake up with my head pounding. I want to open my eyes but can't find the strength to do so. When I finaly find the strength I open my eyes to find myself tied to a chair. I try to stand but my legs are tied as well.

Suddenly the door opens and someone whom I've never met before comes inside.

"Good you're up" he puts his hand on my chin so I'm looking t him. "What did you do to Conner?" he laughs. He walks back to the door and opens it when I look at who's standing there I can't help but hope it's not true.


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