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"What are you doing here?!" I said, wondering what one of the people I hate most in the world is doing in my front door.

"Your mom wants to see you" my eyes are cold towards him. "I thought she threw me out to have a perfect life with you an Harry, Mike"

He smiles "she says she misses you"

"I don't want to see her. Why would she want to meet after a year?" he looks disappointed. "She's your mother Cassie, you need to speak" he's right, but I don't want to see that woman. "I'll speek to her tell her it can be at the caffe up front" he nods. "It was nice seeing you" I nod. "Tell Harry I said hi" he smiles and walks away.

That was the hardest thing I've ever done. I can't believe he had the courage to come here and expect me to want to meet my mom.

Sudenly I feel a hand on my face and I come back to reality only to notice why the hand is on my face. It's Ashton drying tears I didn't know we're there.

I smile at him "thanks" he smiles to "no problem".

He closes the door and we walk back to the couch.

"Who was it?" asks Marisa. "Mike" she looks furious. "Who does he think he is to nock on the door and make you cry!" She screams the only person that hates him as much as I do is Marisa she only met him once but from what I told her she grew to hate him. "It's fine" I smile at her and sit on the couch.

After we finished watching movies Samantha and Frederic left and Ashton decided to stay to watch over us only for the night.

I wake up and walk to the living room and find a shirtless Ashton sleeping on my sofa.

"Hey Aston wake up!" he jumps from the sofa and lands on the floor hitting his head with the coffee table. I can help but laugh. "You okay?" I ask. "Yea I'm fine" the door bell rings. "I'll get" it he says walking towards the door.

He opens it and I walk towards him not being able to see who it is. I stand next to him and look to the front to find Conner standing there with a shocked face.

"Hey Conner, what's up?" I hear Jake crying. "I'll go check on Jake you two speek" he walks away.

Conner looks at me and I know he already it the wrong idea. "What is he doing here?" he asks with a firm voice obviously mad. "He stayed here because he wanted to spend time with his son before going on a trip" well I wasn't lying about one thing.

Someone clears their throat. I look behind Conner to find that woman, my mother standing there. "Hello mother" she smiles but I can see the evil in her eyes. "Hello Cassie" I force a smile. "Conner this is my mother" he smiles at her. "Nice to meet you" they shake hands.

"Are you not gonna ask me to come inside?" She obviously hasn't learned respect. "Of course, come in" I step out of the way for them to walk in.

We walk to the living room and I see Ashton shirtless sitting there feeding Jake. I sit next to him and Conner sits next to me.

"So, what are you doing here mother?" I look at her and then at Ashton obviously acting like she's not there.

"I wanted to meet my grandchild" I look at her in disbelief. "Can you really have that title after you threw me out of the house?" she looks at me with furious eyes. "I admit I did overreact. I shouldn't have thrown you out, but thanks to that you've learned to live on your own" she smiles and nods for me to introduce her to them. "Mom you already met Conner my boyfriend, and this is Ashton Jake's father" I point at Ashton. He smiles and continues feeding Jake.

She smile obviously about to say something that will make me mad. "I thought you were with my grandsons father" I look at her with a, really? Look in my eyes. "No mother me and Ashton have not been together for a year. Nevermind that how's Harry doing?" Her smile fades. "I really don't know since you left he hasn't talked to anyone much". I know what that means and it's not good.

When I lived at the house Harry was in a deep depression. He would only talk to me and it made me really worried.

"Is he waitting for you outside?" she nod. "I'll be right back".

I walk outside to her car. The first thing I see is Harry sitting in the drivers seat waitting for my mom. I walk up to the car and knock on the door. He looks at me and opens the window.

I smile at him. "Hey kid" he smiles "hey". I can see the pain in his eyes it still hasn't gone away. "What to come inside?" he shakes hi head. "No thanks I can't be in the same room with that woman for to long" I hold back my laughter. "Want me to ask her if you can stay for the weekend with me?" his eyes light up. "Can you?" I nod. "Come on" I signal for him to walk with me. He gets off the car and we walk back to my apartment.

I open the door. And everyone looks at me waitting for me to say something.

I look at my mother and start to speak "mom can Harry stay here for the weekend I know he's on break from school so it won't really ruin his academics and I don't go out much since Jake so" she looks at me with a look of relief. "Sure he can stay he can just go pick up clothes at home and come back". She smiles and walks outside. "Oh and mom is it okay if I take him with me to London?" she smiles. "Sure he'll need his passport" I nod. She leaves with Harry.

An hour later Harry comes back with a suit case and a smile on his face.

I go over to him and hug him.

"You know she just kicked you out, right?" he nods. "I know she's been planing it for a long time since you left" he smiles.

"I forgot to introduce you. This is Conner, that's Ashton and you remember Marisa" he smiles at all of them and says hi. "How could he forget me?" Marisa asks with a smile on her face. "I'm his favorite person in the world" she grins and gives him a hug.

"Well I better be going" Conner stands up gives me a peck on the lips and walks out.

After he's gone I feel more comfortable speaking family maters.

"So, what you gonna do kid stay with me until you graduate?" he nods. "I guess it's only a year and a half away" I smile.

"I like your brother more than you" Ashton says laughing.

The doorbell rings.

I walk up to it and see that it's Samantha and Frederic. I open the door. They walk in and I close it.

"What are you doing here this early?" Sam smiles. "This idiot missed Marisa so much he bugged me to come early" Fred hits her arm blushing. I can't help but laugh.

We walk to the living room.

And Sam starts arguing with Ashton. "Hey idiot wear a shirt" he smiles at her with full display of his white teeth. "Why? I like being with out a shirt" I laugh at his comment.

"Stop arguing so much" I laugh again. " Sam, Fred this is my brother Harry" the smile and shake his hand. " Sam and Fred are my dad's ex wife's kids" they smile at him.

"Okay. I have a question" I nod for him to continue. "You're a gangleader right?" he points at Ashton. Ashton laughs and nods. "This kid gets straight to the point, I like him".

"You," I point at Ashton. "Go do whatever you need to do,and leave my house you've been here since yesterday and even if I like your company I need my space". He nods "fine" he stands up goes to my room gets dressed and comes out kisses me on my cheek.

"Wait you even have clothes here?" says Marisa. I nod. "But don't tell Conner".

He leaves.

She looks at me in shock. "What?" she looks at me with disapproval. "He stays here so much that he kept leaving clothes" I know she's mad at me but still it's not like I'm cheating on Conner, right?


Thanks to all the people that have read this story. I'm so happy it had gotten so many views up till now.

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