3 a.m.

958 12 0

(AN aria [right side] )

I stood out on the back patio, looking at the midnight sky. The whole sight was just beautiful. Even thought I've lived here for about a year, it still amazed me every time. I was currently in sweat pants and a white v-neck with some white ankle socks. It was 3 in the morning and still no sign of Justin. He left in the morning before I woke up and didn't even bother to leave a note or something. He was never home anymore. He was always out with his friends. If he was home, I would try to catch his attention but I always failed. He occasionally did things to me. Not rape, but other things like physically hurt me. I don't even know why I'm still here. It was getting cold so I went inside and decided to watch a movie, i sat down on the couch, when I heard the front door open. I instantly looked and saw a pissed off justin walk thought the door. I reached for the remote and turned the tv off and stood up with shifting my weight to one leg and my arms crossed. "It's late." I said "And?" "Where were you? Why were you about all day? Why didn't you leave or note or something? At least something so I wouldn't of been worried all day." "What is this?! 20 questions or something?!?!" He yelled. I felt myself getting heated. He started to walk away "Well I'm sooorry if I wanted to know where my BOYFRIEND was ALL DAY long!!!!" I yelled. Oh shit. I shouldn't of yelled. Justin stopped and turned around and made his way over to me. "Who the fuck do you think you are to be questioning me bitch?" He said as he grabbed my upper arm. I was scared, I just stood there not knowing what to do. "I'm sorry I won't ever ask again" I said. My eyes filled up with tears. He threw me onto the ground and I started crying. 'Please don't hit me' I thought to myself. He grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled me up, "listen bitch and listen good. Don't ever question what I do ok? You're lucky you're still around. You're lucky I want you or else you would be alone. Why? Cause your worthless. You're nothing without me. You should be grateful you have a man. It's a fuckin miracle. I mean, look at you, looking like an ugly bitch. So stay out of my fuckin way before I toss you to the curb. got it?" I rapidly nodded yes. "Got it?!" "Y-y-yes" "Good" he let go of my hair and walked up stairs. I went over to a corner and brought my legs up to my chest and sobbed quietly. 'Why am I so stupid?!' I thought to myself.

~*~*~*~*~ author's note~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Hi! That's a lot of drama for a first chapter huh? Well stay tuned for more! 




Love you sexy mofos :3 <3

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