Day 278, 10:08:01

198 10 1

A fall of hair-flowers-feathers obscures Id EIS vision as I play an eerie song upon the flute and gyrate the Id EIS hips to sway the grass skirt clothing them...


I snap the Id EIS head back, flipping the hair-flowers-feathers away to reveal view of the granite stage amidst a Paladium Level landscape in fall colors of brown, gold and russet, all the way out to the monumental clear walls of showing to blue sky. The milky mirror surface of the ceiling continues gently warping while I move forward slowly now, and look out over the aisle...

We meet eyes.


TRILLING flute! Once a the front of the stage, I stop: hips still moving, torso bowing forward while eyes still hold it's gaze, song STILL building...


Until it ends, abruptly.

Notes fade, then I rise back to standing only to bow lower again, the flute held to one side of me as the fall of long hair-flowers-feathers screens the Id EIS face.

Solitary applause.

A pleasure for both of us

Warmth flushes me as I rise again, then walk across the granite stand to descend the side stairs, eventually emerging out at the base of aisles climbing towards The Master...

Who is now sitting conspicuously alone. Hm.

"Very good," it praises me, "but the Griffin would not stay. He is wise, though restless."

Hesitation. "But YOU enjoyed the show?"

The Master laughs now. "He is wise in other ways, not taste in the arts."


I bow low. "I am happy to serve in whatever ways please you."

Looking bemused, The Master gestures aside. "There is another way for you to please me now, Id. Sit."

Entering the adjoining row, I then vault over it into an adjacent seat –

An Audiovisual Representation singer walks onto the stage. With a voice lilting briefly, she then launches into ascending scales...

"I seek distraction before the Meeting," The Master confides. "There is much you can do for me in service, before and after."

I become FULLY attentive.

The singer launches into the gentle opening notes of an oddly familiar song...

Sighing happily, The Master slowly closes its eyes. "Poetry."

Poetry? (Poetry?)

"Poetry?" I ask uncertainly.


I nod slowly.

The singer sings faster, notes spilling out stronger...

A smile transforms the gray face of the Master. "Yes. Something beautiful. Emotional. Take as much time as necessary."

I hm. "As you say."

For a time longer we sit, strengthening notes of the familiar outspilling song beginning to echo strangely...

(Ah. Just like the Gateway.)

The single singer splits in two for a duet, then into three all joining into a haunting complexity.

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