Day 012, 00:48:00

91 6 0

I wake up, ready to...


What is my purpose?


These cannot be my thoughts.



Uncoordinated limbs scrabble to raise me up, vision blurry as I somehow make it up to a hunchbacked kneel. It is hard to straighten. My body –


... feels strange. "Corruphted," I slur.

) I, )

Forcing myEISself up again, staggering, to standing, I awkwardly stutterstep across the viewing platform while the black chair begins gliding over towards me and I can finally sag against it...


I turn, squinting in alarm, but a small, automatically deployed A-Dome shields the enclosure below.

Good. Con-containment p-protocals (ar)eare(...


Dizzy. My eyes close...

... then open. "NO!" With dawning horror, I have begun realizing that the essential thing which has always been inside of me since birth, continuously filling me with all-consuming devotion and love for the Master, is...


The array of bright display screens continue floating above me.

"Musst ffix." I gesture.

All flicker.

I gesture again.

Options pop up.

I gesture again.

All flicker.

I gesture emphatically. Again. And again.

A blinding FLASH!

This body seizes again, CRACKLING with opposing Evolution Trigger energy now, and...

... all goes black again.

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