Day 003, 05:58:38

117 6 1

The purpling sky is edging crimson...

"We are blessed," Apparat says.

"Truly," Not agrees.

I continue staring ahead upon dim frogmen statuary standing amongst the burbling fountain at the center of the manor courtyard...

"To serve in Dream City," Apparat begins in a voice gone soft, and tremulous. "It is a blessing, and an honor."

"Truly, truly."

The frogmen stand in a happy, inward-facing circle, although one is off to the side fallen. Drowning...

Bright light baths the entire courtyard.

I turn.

A bright eye gradually rises over distant city skyline. The edges darken, slowly consumed until becomes lost in darkness. A thin slit of light reappears after, slowly expanding, spilling out light and warmth until the bright eye is open once more, watching.

"To serve is all."

Did I say that... aloud?

"It is time," its melodic voice whispers, which sends a tingle down the Id EIS spine.


I am standing tall, the Id EIS forward, staring beyond Twelve Masters seated around the massive World Table amidst vast spherical twinkling darkness for the last time.

New shape forms above: Iterative Chairman Ur. "We will begin with any closing arguments for Declarations, proceed to Ratification Voting, Confirmation of Next Iterative Subcommittees, Confirmation of next Chairman, then Adjourn. If anyone has closing arguments to put forth now: proceed."

A brief pause.

New shape forms above: X. "The Supremacy Clause is just. To expand it would be proper. We Twelve are the sum and the total. Rightfully eternal."


New shape forms above: Ur. "Closing arguments are complete. Now: the First Declaration up for Ratification is Amendment to Outer Policy, Subsection 4. Iterative Declarant Other: how do you vote?"


"Master X: how do you vote?"


"Master Faith: how do you vote?"


"Master Joy: how do you vote?"


"Master Fnord: how do you vote?"


"Master Gabriel: how do you vote?"


"I vote For. Master AI: how do you vote?"


"Master Nisargadatta: how do you vote?"


"Master Oryx and Aryx: how do you vote?"


"Master Wu wei: how do you vote?"


Green light BURSTS bright upon us all, fading slowly. "The Amendment to Outer Policy, Subsection 4 is Ratified." Ur purses its lips. "Next: Ratifying vote on the divisive Determination on Frontier Technology. Iterative Declarant Nisargadatta: how do you vote?"

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