Day 064, 22:59:50

108 8 0

Bright information drifts on rippling currents in the fabric of local reality, data threads often intersecting and blending together organically in theoretical confluence. I sit cross-legged amidst it all, still focused despite all that has changed. Stubborn...

My service will have to be taken from me. This is the life I was born into, and the only one I know.

I gesture, causing the flow to shift and bring threads on object memory and somnotic experience drifting into view. Gesturing again: the flow increases, bringing reams of that information swirling past me. My Conscious mind examines visual data while my Sub Conscious mind, as usual, remains focused upon the negative.

Biosynthetic permanence will be an interesting issue to explore as I continue to evolve, and the rapid intake of information will be useful regardless of– (If things do go that wrong upon my summoning, I might consider any number of reactions, including an advanced application of phasic state. Yes. It might be countered thus, although with a well-rounded personal integration, including–) Yet in scientific parlance, there could be some use from that data. Indeed, but it relates to the field of smartmatter in general, and because of the limits inherit in current levels of that inert and biomorphic tech neither The Master or my own near future self will likely see personal benefit, or satisfaction enough to warrant leniency, if I – (Flight is not an option at this time. The Master would find it very difficult to forgive even a minor lapse, in which case –)

Restlessness slowly fills me, as a slow storm grows within the vast mental expanse that feeds both of my active minds: Subconsciousness.

Ok. What? (Distraction.)

My two conscious minds for once join immediately in action to prevent any mental lack of focus.

Relax (Relax)

... (...)

Relaxing. Enfolding. Unity.

My two minds disengage from conjoined action, again although both kept working separately alongside each other in harmony. I breathe deeply in, and exhale.


Gesturing again causes data threads on related files, Projects,and current research, including my old physics template affective field project, to begin drifting into view.


Another gesture brings threads on the intelligent virus, smartmatter+, the entropy beam, and phasic state systems drifting into view.


Another gesture draws threads on the new spatial threading device, the Deepspace Integral Suit, neuro-sensory hypnopathy, molecular trapping, disseminated consciousness, internal-external transform packages, and 3rd generation biosynthetic bracing crowding into view.


Yet another gesture pulls threads on the techno-seed and organo-seed, internal replicators, , re-active specific holography, extant scanning, the photon sifter, energy recursive loops, matter re-purposement systems, and advanced post-quantum theoreticals crowding ever further, intermixing in strange and glorious –

(Wait.) Hmm.

I gesture, expanding a certain thread of information which had just drifted into view.

Hm. Considering this is but a fragment leftover from previously destroyed files, this thread does little more than kindle memory of my solitary Project ever ordered discontinued.

Dare I? (Maybe.)

Both of my minds race off, extrapolating positive and negative aspects of potential future tech, in aide to my current and future positions, in a gloriously humming complexity of multi-tasking. However, deep below, that nascent feeling is rising again, its roots now sunk deep into the layered bedrock of my true self...

Suddenly: drifting information slows around me, and everything dims grey before coming to a stop. "Attend," orders a disembodied voice.

... (...)

I blink.


Inhaling, and exhaling, my minds clear before I come back up to standing, amidst the grey...

It is time.


Darkness above.

I pass up and outside...

... into night, before smoothly slowing to a stop atop the dark roof of the Tower. Three dark outlines wait silently against a line of fire across the distant shore.


As I approach them, these bare outlines become my family: golden sphere at left, Master sitting the techno-throne at center, and Griffin sitting his haunches at right. Slowing, to a stop, I bow.

"Obedient, still..."

Rising back up, I nod.

It watches me silently for a moment, wearing a dark, unreadable expression. "A decision remains unmade."

I wait.

"But." A sigh. "That is not our concern, now. I have a task for you. Most... important."

Relief. "Anything!"

It glares at me.

(Patience.) Yes. This may be my last chance.


Pursing grey lips, it eventually continue. "In seven days there will be an Interim Meeting of the Twelve. As the one who called it, I must provide the venue, though another will lead. Your task..."

I wait.

"... is to plot the ground, and design the structure itself."

I nod.

"But design it well, Id. Using personal interpretation to evoke a most important value..."


(To be filled...)

"What shall be the guiding principle?" I finally ask, with foreboding.

Fire burns in the distance.

And in those eyes.


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