2. Camping

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Preference: Camping

Harry:  “Uh, babe?" He called from outside of your tent. You crawled out, seeing him with a pole in one hand and the tents fabric in the other. He wore a confused face, not knowing what to do. “Uh, Harry? Something wrong?" You stifled a laugh. “How did you get your tent up?" He whined. “I used the instruction manual Haz." You held up the booklet. He put on an unsatisfied expression and shook his head. “Those are for the weak." He announced, puffing out his chest like a superhero. You laughed and shook your head. “So I’m guessing we’re sharing a tent tonight?" You asked as you crawled back into your tent. “Most likely!" He called back.

Louis: “Alright, it’s official! I am the best weeny roaster…ever!" He announced, chomping on a hot dog he just made. You looked at him oddly, holding your hot dog over the fire. “Weeny roaster?" You asked. He nodded and took another bite of the hot dog. “Yes, (YN). A weeny roaster.. You are so inappropriate sometimes." He said playfully, licking the hot dog. You grabbed your hot dog back and licked it too. “I like weenies." He mumbled, making you break out laughing.

Liam: “Ah, the fresh smell of nature." He boasted, hands on his hips while taking a big whiff in. “Li, that’s rodent shit."you said behind him, lugging all of the camping hear with you, dropping it all on the ground by your and his feet. “Oh, I’m sorry love. Here, let me help you." He apologized, bending down and picking half of the stuff. You laughed and thanked him. “Hey, why are we camping again?" You asked, walking right behind me. “Bonding!" He exclaimed excitedly. “Liam, you are too excited." You laughed. He laughed too and turned around, snapping an unexpected photo. “Liam!" You squealed. “I love this photo the most, it’s going on the wall." He smiled, looking closely at the photo.

Zayn: “How about cooking classes?" He asked, as both of you scrolled down on your laptops. “Nah, we both suck at cooking. Let’s not try and fix that." You shook you head. “True."he mumbled. “Hey, what about camping?" You asked, looking up at him. “That’s not bad." He said looking up too. “Yeah, I mean, just me and you, a tent, a campfire, late nights by the lake." You trailed off. He quickly nodded and shut his laptop. “Yeah, yeah. Camping. I like camping. Camping it is." He rapidly said, placing his laptop aside and getting up. “Where are you going?" You asked. “To buy a tent." He called back, grabbing his coat.

Niall: “Niall!" You squealed, jolting up in your sleeping bag. “Take me instead!" he groggily yelled, jumping up too. “What happened?" He asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “There’s something outside of the tent!" You whisper yelled. Nialls grabbed a flashlight and flicked it on, shining it around the dark tent. “I’m sure it’s nothing, love." He sleepily said. You uneasily nodded and layed back down, but the noise was made again. “Okay, I heard it too." He said worriedly. He got up and crouched down with the flashlight, unzipping the tent. “Be careful!" You whispered again. He smiled and shook his head, walking into the darkness.

Written by : cutie-tommo

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