12. You're Pregnant

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Liam - 

After months and months of trying, you have a baby inside you. A living being is going to be inside you. God, you still can't comprehend it. I mean, a little pregnancy test, can change your whole feeling. Happiness filled inside you. Liam didn't know you were taking the test. Liam is sitting outside watching TV. The little pink plus sign! You ran outside. "LIAM LIAM LIAM" you shout. "What's wrong Y/N, don't move I'm coming right now!" he says. He shows up. You throw the pink sign at him. "I'm pregnant" you shout. The biggest smile broke on his face. "Oh my god! Really!!! I'm going to be a dad!" he shouts. He picks you up and spins you round and round before place a soft kiss on your lips. 

Niall - 

A mistake is what you thought of it. You were both really drunk. The next few day you've been really sick. You know what it was, you were pregnant. To be absolutely sure you went to the doctor and get a photo. It's not a really visible photo of a baby, it was just a little speck, but it showed enough proof. You walked out of the hospital with photo in hand. There were a few fans but luckily no paparazzi. They asked why you were at the hospital, and you replied with a simple check up, hiding the photo. You drove home, with a happy/sad smile. You should be happy, but what if Niall doesn't want a baby. And are you guys ready to be parents? You step in the house, and hide the picture. It's not a great idea to show Niall. He lounging on the couch watching a football (soccer) match with the rest of the boys. "Hey Y/N where did you go" Niall asks. "No where special.." you reply. "Oh yeah, why did fans post pictures of you going out of the hospital?" he asks. "Just a simple check up" you reply. "What's the picture you're holding in the photo" he asks. "Nothing.." you reply. "Y/N...." he warns. You scramble out of the room to get the picture and shows him. "What's that" he asks. "It's a baby" you reply. "I'm pregnant" you say. He doesn't speak. It didn't go well. You knew it! "T-that's amazing" he says breaking into a smile and putting his hanf on your stomach. They boys congradulate you. Then left thinking you'd need some alone time with each other. "Y-you want the baby" you ask. "Why wouldn't I want the baby?" he asks. "Well the baby will ruin your career" you reply. "No, I want a baby. This is amazing" he says. 

Louis -

The first night of your honeymoon got you pregnant. You've been getting sick a lot, and you and Louis had to cut your honeymoon short to take you to a hospital. The doctor took tests, and Louis stood outside waiting and waiting. You went outside obviously still don't know what's wrong. They doctor walked out. Louis pratically jumped on her asking what's wrong. "Well, Mrs. Tomlinson, you seem to be 1 week pregnant" she says. You smile a little bit wondering what Louis was thinking. "Do you want a picture" she asks. Louis nods furiously. She hands him a picture of a little speck and he screams "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER" He turns to you and kisses you giving you a hug. A tight one. "Louis not too tight" you say. He lets go a little and continues hugging you. He start to call the guys and his mum and talks about how he needs to buy clothes shoes and start decorating. You are going to have the funnest pregnancy EVER. 

Zayn - 

You just did it one day and well now you're 2 months pregnant. There was a small little bump but barely noticable. You were chilling at Eleanor's place when she brought up the subject. She was the only one who knows besides your best friend. "Did you tell him yet" she asks. "No. I don't know how" you reply. "You've got to do it soon! That baby bump isn't getting any smaller" she says. "Baby bump? I heard baby bump" Louis says from a distance. "OMG Eleanor are you pregnant?" he shouts. "NO I'm not" she shouts back. He appears almost instantly. "Who's pregnant! Eleanor! Are you pregnant" he asks. "No she's not Lou, I am" you say. "Omg congrats. I'm going to go congradulate Zayn" he says running out the door. "NO LOUIS NO" you shout. Too late. 2 minutes later Zayn appears. "Y/N are you pregnant" he asks. You nod. "How long have you known?" he asks. "2 months" you reply. He looks taken back. "Why didn't you tell me" he asks voice cracking. "I thought you'd break up with me" you whisper. "WHAT? Y/N I'd never do that!" he says hugging you. "Plus, we'll be the best parents on earth" he says. 

Harry - 

You're currently 3 months pregnant. The baby bump is clearly visible if you didn't wear baggy clothes. Everywhere you went are you are, baggy clothes. Until one say you decide to wear a not so baggy dress. You step out, completely forgetting that you haven't told Harry you're pregnant. Besides it looks great on you. You're about to show Harry your dress. You walked out quietly. "Y/N's been getting really fat lately" he says on the phone. This angered you. You put your shoes on stomping  out. "Y/N, Y/N where are you going" he asks. You ignored him and got into your car. You drove to Perrie and Zayn's home. Perrie is the only one who knows. She opened the door. "Oh my god why are you crying" she asks. "Harry just called me fat" you say. "Tell him you're pregnant, he'll understand" she says. "I'm not telling him anything" you reply. Normally you'd tell Harry you're pregnant and everything will be fine. But this time, it's the hormones talking. Harry came running behind you and apologizes. "Why did you run?" he asks. "Out of everything you could say. You call me fat?" you ask. "I'm sorry" he says. "Why" you ask. "I'm sorry" "Well you could have asked Harry. You could have asked and I would have told you. I am pregnant" you say. "Y-your what" he asks. "Yeah I'm pregnant" you say. He smiles, and you couldn't help but forgive him. 

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