9. He teaches you child how to walk

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Niall:"C’mere",blue eyes sparkled at little girl standing in front of him giving her all of his attention.He lowered himself to her level widely spreading his arms as he waited on her."Just one step.For daddy, please" ,huge smile spreading over his lips matched his daughter’s one as she placed small hand on his forearm in attempt to secure herself while she took a step closer to him,small body falling in her dad’s warm chest."I just love you so much", he excitedly spoke picking her up from the ground and attaching her chubby cheeks with kisses.

Zayn:"C’mon.Do it for daddy",he sweetly cooed as he placed his small son in front of him.His hands were still placed by the each side of his body supporting him,big,brown eyes carefully observing little one’s every movement.Zayn’s smile grew wider each time tiny foot moved a bit forward."Can’t believe it",excited chuckle vibrated through his chest as his son reached his chest finally letting himself sink in its comforting warmth.

Louis:"You can do it.I know you can,c’mon",he sat to the floor widely spreading his arms to the each side carefully observing his son’s every movement.Blue eyes patiently waited until wide smile reached them as little one took one big step forward.He insecurely tried to make another step until Louis’ hands finally caught him bringing him close to his chest and attaching him with kisses.

Liam:Her smaller feet were firmly placed on his bigger ones,little hands resting in his supporting her weight.Chuckle vibrated through Liam’s chest as little one’s grip tightened around his finger,her feet escaping from his letting her make one big,insecure step.Big,brown eyes grew wider in excitement as he grabbed her by the each side of her body and picked her up placing her close to his chest."We have to show this to mummy."

Harry:"Ok,let’s go find mummy",he sweetly said placing her body in front of him.His hands caught hold on hers making them look even smaller as he supported most of her weight letting her make small steps forward.His long leg lightly pushed the kitchen door,your daughter’s sweet laugh filling the room as soon as she spotted you,little feet immediately making bigger steps forward.Dimples became visible on Harry’s cheeks as wide smile stretched over his lips."Look!She’s walking!"

Written by - cupcake-harry

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