Chapter 2

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Prince John up above, oh in case anyones wondering he's in his mid-twenties in this story.

"Your Majesty..." I started, licking my lips nervously, I had thought of something last night before sleep pulled me under it's spell. "I was wondering...."

I was interrupted before I could finish. The Prince had been standing in front of his wardrobe, butt-naked, deciding what to wear, when I had started speaking. At my voice he had turned towards me giving me his full attention. I had blushed slightly at the sight of him, turning my gaze down at my lap unable to finish with him looking me in the eye while naked. I will say this, he does have one distracting body. My hand holding up sheets to cover my nudity, but the Prince didn't care about such  things. I heard the sound of feet walking towards me, then felt my chin be tilted up again. I blushed deeply at him staring down at me, his eyes mesmerizing beautiful.  God, I sound like a love sick fool. But it couldn't be helped, the Prince was a beautiful man.

"I've told you before Marian, you can call me John when we're alone." He said it softly, almost making me forget what I was going to say. Why must he have such power over me? I always seem to forget who he really is whenever he speaks so softly to me. That's what got me into this mess.

I licked my lips again, trying to bring myself back to this. John watched me as I did this, his eyes thoughtful. He knew I was going to ask something from him, and he suspects what it is that I will ask. He knew me too well after all. I did mention that I thought he was a friend before, didn't I.  "John..." I started again, "I was hoping if you would....if you would allow me to become a least until we are to be married." I finished quickly.

He was silent, he's eyes watching my every move as he thought about this. His silence was long enough that I started to think he was going to say no, and be done with it. If he did it would have been a bit of a relief, I hated it when he was silent for so long. It always meant he was planning something. Finally he spoke, watching me squirm under his gaze, "Alright." He said it so simple, so finally that I almost missed it. I was so surprised, I never would have thought he would say yes, that he would allow me to have something I would want. "But..." I should've known there would be catch, there always was. "You will have to start sleeping in here from now on, after all it's not like it would be a huge surprise to find fiancés already sharing a bed."

Damnit. I thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. The deal struck, I still couldn't help a smile from spreading my lips. To my embarrassment, I sprung up from the bed, the only thing hiding my naked body falling down, and kissed John passionately with my hands on either side of his face. To add even more to the surprise, instead of him pushing me back, he deepened the kiss, his hands encircling my waist as he brought me close to him. God damnit, why does he have to be such a good kisser? More importantly why did I kiss him in the first place? He's always the one that initiates the kissing. Oh shit, here's a bad thought, was I falling for him? Shit.

I really am the idiot I claimed I wasn't.

Before it could get to far, the Prince pulls back, both of us breathing hard. He brought his hand up to my face, stroking it as he gazed at me with lustful eyes. "As much as I would love to continue this, I have a kingdom to run."

I had started to pull back, but he pulled me closer. He kissed my neck, causing a moan to leave my lips in response. He finally released me, a smirk on his lips as he turned back to his wardrobe. I just stood there like an idiot before I realized I should be getting dressed as well. Lucky for me, I had thought to bring an extra dress, but unluckily I hadn't thought about the whole corset part of getting dressed, I will need a maid for that.

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