Chapter 4

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Joshua above.

The cool night air was alive with crickets chirping their little songs as we stowed away in the dark, staying as silent as we could. Joshua and I managed to sneak out of the castle without any problems, with the help of Abigail. There were barely any guards the way we took to get out. Most wouldn't think that we climbed over the garden's wall, but that's what we did, ending up falling into the bushes below. We were incredible lucky that no guards came to investigate the noise. We weren't doing the greatest of jobs of being quiet.

So far so good, but we still had long night ahead of us. Plenty to worry about too. We had taken our horses with us, I mean might as well right? It's not like it won't be obvious that we snuck out. I honestly just hope we get a head start first and the horses would help with that. Earlier, I had taken the horses from the stables, telling the stable master that I was selling them, whatever reason I could to make him less suspicious. In reality I was hiding them in the forest by the wall. For now, my brother and I silently walked, wanting to avoiding riding the horses for as long as possible, knowing full well that if we start riding them to close to the property it would raise the alarms. Even when we start riding later on alarms will be raised for I am sure the Prince will be wondering why I have not come done for breakfast in the morning, and he will realize that we took the horses. He is a smart man.

Hopefully we will have a large enough head start, but then I am not the one that can see into the future now am I? Luckily if I go by how my brother's acting, I would say he was confident in my ability to get us to Sherwood Forest as fast as possible, though whether that's from his ability as a seer or in his trust in me I have no idea. I would like to think both.

We were finally far enough away that I felt it was safe enough for us to ride horse back, so I took my brothers bundle of supplies from him and helped him climb onto the horse, the entire time he was flinched saying that the horse would try and bite him when his back is turned. There was some truth to that. I have no clue why but horses and my brother just do not get along, it's the same with him and cats. He's lucky that dogs like him otherwise the guard dogs would have alerted our presence when we passed a sleeping guard and dog at the front door. John will have his head if he finds out one of his men was sleeping on the job.

Anyway once my brother had mounted the horse, I passed him his pack and my own, then climbed up onto my own horse. Both of our horses were matching set of beautiful lean chestnut brown horses we had received as final gifts from our father, about a week before his...death.

The horses themselves happened to be brother and sister's as well, which was a little odd, but then my father probably had something to do with that. He was always a suspicious man, thinking that by buying siblings it would bring some form of luck to us. Who knows? He's dead, there's no way to talk to him, unless my brother somehow developed the ability to speak to the dead. God I hope not, how awful would that be? Hearing voices from the past whispering in your ear? That makes me shiver just thinking about it.

We took off at a gallop, not wanting to waste time in our get away. There's no point in staying here longer than we need too. I don't want to risk being caught after only a few hours on the road. After hours of riding the sun started to rise over the head of trees, I had decided we would take a short rest for food and a bathroom break before continuing. My brother passed me some of his wine sake when I joined him on a log seat.

I nodded my thanks, took a swing, and passed it back. We were silent for a few minutes, unsure of what to say, nervous that if we spoke it just might break the spell of our seemingly getting away without a challenge. Finally, Joshua opened his mouth, but whatever it was he was about to say would have to wait for there coming from where we just came from, was the sound of hooves approaching. My brother and I shared a look and bolted. We hadn't taken anything off the horse except my brother's drink off, so we were able to mount quickly and make our escapes. Unluckily this means that the Prince had been onto us the moment we left, and if we want to make it to Sherwood Forest we were going to have to flee with neck breaking speed. Why am I not surprised this would happen?

Not even a minute after we started our race away from our chasers did they appear behind us. They were still far enough away that we could hopefully outpace them, but just seeing them was worrying enough. Our horses flew through the night it like they knew it would be a very bad idea to be caught. Looking over, Joshua caught my eye, he smiled before turning back to the road ahead. Well, at least one of us is confident in our escape, I thought. No point crushing his hope now.

Several hours later, we managed to lose the guards once again. Every turn I forced us to make seems to only provide us with a temporary relief, then it seems they always manage to catch up to us once again.  The horses were huffing from the physical stress of running for so long. I had to think of something fast or else we will wear out the horses. Then the worse happened, my horse stumbled, barely managing to keep from falling. Amber had slowed slightly, enough so that it was no longer me leading us, but my brother and his horse. My brother looked back, worry clear on his face.

I didn't know how much more time we had before both of our horse slowed, but if Amber stumbled one more would not be good. It may cause her to stop completely. With unease increasing by the minute, I looked behind us and finding them still racing behind us. They were far enough away that I couldn't make out their faces but I knew there was raw determination etched on them. When you worked for the Prince you know that if you do not succeed there was no telling of what he may do to you. I pushed for Amber to go faster, whispering, "Please just around that bend, please Amber you can do it." 

She seemed to understand me because she suddenly heightened in her speed, surpassing my brother. The wind blowing in my face, I looked around for someplace we could hide. Then I saw it. I called back to my brother, "Follow me!"

Pushing our horses once more, we rounded the bend. Instead of continuing down the path, we rode behind a rather heavier cluster of trees and bushes. I pulled to a stop, leaping off my horse, and moving to watch from behind the leaves. There was only silence for a minute, then the guards came racing down the path. They didn't even pause as they passed us, assuring me that they hadn't realized we were no longer there. I breathed out a sigh of relief, but when I turned around I found that my brother and I were completely surrounded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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