Chapter 3

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Margaret up above.

After Joshua and I talked for an hour, I left to start planning what we will need to bring. I had already told Joshua to only pack a few clothes and to put what ever money he did have in the pack as well, but I didn't know what else we would need. So I sought out the only person who could help out, who could also help me get food and water skins for the journey and such. That person was Margaret.

It did prove to be a little difficult to track her down. I first looked for her by walking down the halls, hoping to find her walking to rooms or something, but she wasn't there, so I went to the staff rooming. She wasn't there either. The only other place I could think of were the kitchens. Sure enough there she was, sitting at one of the benches chatting with the other maids while eating her meal. The cook was cooking away, calling out orders to her many workers. Some were cutting vegetables, others were cleaning dishes, and others were carrying various things around the room. It was surprisingly hot in the room from all the cooking. It was still early in the day, so I wouldn't have expected there to be cooking already.

To say there was a sudden surprise silence at the sight of a noblewoman standing at the doorway was saying the least. As soon as the staff noticed me, there was a round of standing and bowing, but Margaret was having none of that. With a scowl on her face, she said from her seat, "What are you doing here, girl?"

Several of the other workers looked at her in shock then looked at me for a response they were looking for. They were expecting me to hell at her for such disrespect, but I didn't. I shocked them when my cheeks colored slightly. "I need to talk to you Margaret."

She gave me an accessing look before standing and nodding to me. "Alrighty then." 

I followed her out of the steaming kitchen and into a small room filled with food. Away from prying eyes and listening ears. She closed the door behind us, then looked at me waiting for me to speak. Avoiding her piercing gaze, I looked around, nervously bitting my lip. "Oh would you stop that, just spit it out already, I don't have all day."

Finally I turned to her in surprise, but complied. "I have to get out of here."

She looked confused, "Are you trying to get out of marring the prince? Because, honey, that won't keep him from hunting you down and forcing you to marry him."

"No, of course not, that's not it I-I have to leave because Joshua had a vision." She motioned for me to continue. "He said that he has to find Robin Hood because Robin is going to need his help in the future."

Margaret raised an eyebrow, "And why do you have to leave then?"

"You know my brother, if he went on his own he would accidentally kill himself walking down a stone path. I need to be there to keep him safe, there's so much danger in the world. Thieves, outlaws, wild animals." I said, sick with worry. 

She saw the look in my eyes, and rushed to me, taking my hands in hers. "Stop worrying so much, you'll end up looking like me if you do."

I rolled my eyes, a faint smile at my lips. "I need your help, Margaret, I need help getting everything I'll need."

Nodding, she left without warning. I sighed and sat down on the nearest thing that could hold up my weight, which happened to be a barrel of rice, according to the print. My hands started to tap, tap, tap away against the side of the wood. I was starting to grow impatient and I've only been sitting here for a few minutes. What is taking her so long? I started biting my lip again. Whenever I'm nervous I always start bitting my lip, or licking them. I have no idea when I started doing this. Or how to stop. At the moment, I didn't really care.

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