The Tutor

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Harry POV
I gather up my things at the end of yet another disastrous potions class and am about to get up to leave when Snape calls me.
"Potter, unfortunately, I need to speak to you," Snape says in his usual drawl.
I sigh and walk over and join him behind his desk as he leafs through a few essays on his desk.
"What did you need to speak to me about, professor?" I ask, careful to hide the nervousness in my voice.
"You are failing my class Potter," He says, not looking up from the parchment in his hands. "So I have arranged for you to have a tutor."
"What if I don't care about passing this class?" I ask with a bored tone.
"I hear you wish to be an Auror Potter," He says, finally looking up from the essay, most likely Hermione's judging from the size. I nod, even though it wasn't true.
"Did you know you need to have at least an E in potions to even be considered for Auror training?" He asks snidely.
I look down at my shoes and nod, playing the golden boy was too boring sometimes.
"Then I suggest you accept the tutor, be here tonight right after dinner,"
"Who is it?" I ask, still not looking up.
"My most promising student," Snape says, a smirk making its way to his lips.
"Draco Malfoy."


I trudge up to the Gryffindor common room and fall into a chair across from Ron and Hermione with a sigh.
"What's the matter, Harry?" Hermione asks worriedly.
"Nothing much, just Snape," I huff.
"What did the greasy git do this time?" Ron asks, getting a small smack from Hermione.
"He's got me a tutor," I say, running my fingers through my unruly hair.
"Well, who is it, since it's not me it must be..." Hermione's eyebrows furrow as she tries to think of who it could be before her eyes widen. "Draco Malfoy!"
"Ding ding ding!" I cheer monotonously, before letting my head fall forward, hitting the table. It was getting boring hanging around people this trusting and soft.
"That really sucks, mate," Ron says, shoving a handful of Bertie's bots every flavour beans in his mouth, making a face before swallowing.
"But what are you gonna do?" He says with a shrug. "If Malfoy's your tutor you might as well try and put up with it."
I stared at him for a moment before finally saying what had been repeating through my mind.
"Who the bloody hell are you and what have you done with Ronald Weasley?" I whisper suspiciously.
"Really Harry, I believe that is uncalled for?" Hermione scoffs.
It really gets on my nerves when she does that, it's as if she thinks she's better than I am.
"Oh come on Mione!" I exclaimed, standing up. "Has Ron ever been that calm or easygoing while talking about Malfoy?!"
She looked at me for a moment before looking back at Ron and whispering something in his ear. His face immediately went bright red and he started to choke on his sweets.
"Well, it's definitely Ron alright,"
She says matter-of-factly.
"What did you say to him?" I ask curiously.
"That will be our little secret," Ron squeaked, looking at Hermione with a pleading look before she began to nod.
I propped my elbows on the table and put my head in my hands, sighing.


After supper, I went back to Snape's classroom to find the room empty. I stepped in with my potions book and was about to sit down when I heard the door open behind me.
I turned to see who it was and saw Draco, causing a small blush to cover my cheeks.
"Embarrassed about needing a tutor, Potter," He called, saying my name in total disgust, a small part of me breaking as he did.
"Not in the least Malfoy," I said, my voice not being able to sound as harsh when I don't have the reason.
"Then let's get started shall we," He walked up to the blackboard and began to write out the directions for a shape-shifting potion, similar to polyjuice.
Once I had added the last ingredient all I had left was to stir the potion 5 times counterclockwise as it cooked.
I was stirring it when Draco peered over the cauldron and undid the first 3 buttons of his shirt, giving me a full view of his chest.
I tried not to check him out but it was practically impossible when he was this close.
As I stirred I lost count because I wasn't paying attention and so I just guesstimated the amount.
"Done," I breathed as I killed the fire and put a bit of the potion into a glass for me to test. I looked at the ugly brown colour the potion had turned.
Bottoms up.
And I chugged the glass full.

Draco POV
I watched him chug the glass full before giving a look of disgust towards the cup and placing it down wobbly.
"Damn, this feels worse than in  second year," He mumbles and then slides to the floor, leaning against the desk.
I peeped over the cauldron again and noticed the colour, it was an ugly brown colour when it was supposed to be a light purple.
He probably just killed himself.
I looked back down at Potter and noticed he looked different, smaller, more delicate looking.
"Um, Potter?" I ask, taping him lightly with my foot.
He opened his eyes and looked at me before blinking repeatedly.
"Why do I feel so.....!" He looked down at his body and shrieked, and let me tell you, he sounded an awful lot like a girl.
"IM A GIRL!!!" He shrieked, causing me to put my hands over my ears.
Looks as if my suspicions were correct.
His hair had grown longer, he was a lot curvier, slimmer, he was about half a foot shorter, and his face was much... prettier.
"Well it appears as if we have a bit of a problem, don't we Drake," I hear someone say from the door and turn to look at Pansy.
"Thank Merlin it's only you Pans," I breathe.
"We have to do something, I think he... She just went into shock," She says pointing to Potter sitting on the ground hyperventilating. She rushes over and crouches down in front of Potter.
"Harry, you need to calm down, alright, just breathe," She coached as Potter began to calm down a little.
"What did I do wrong?" He asked, sounding a lot more worried about the potion then the fact he was now a she.
"My guess is you didn't stir it enough," I said in my usual drawl.
"Of course I didn't stir it enough, I couldn't help but be distracted by the porcelain God peering over my cauldron at the time," He muttered under his breath.
She muttered under her breath!
"What?" I ask, rather confused as to what she was saying.
"It was your fault, you bloody prat," She said in an annoyed tone I knew too well, it meant that if I wasn't careful, I would be yelled at in a moment.
"And how was it my fault?" I asked with a smirk.
"Because you distracted me," She said in an aggravated tone.
"And how did I do that?" I ask, leaning over her.
"Because you're a bloody God in a Hogwarts uniform!" She exclaimed, getting riled up.
Pansy began to laugh at the fact that I had got what I wanted from Potter, as Potter just slumped over and turned beet red.

A Potion Gone Romantically Wrong [Drarry] Original-Incomplete(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now