The Confrontation

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"Harr-Harlene?" Hermione stammered, though she didn't seem nervous, merely uncertain of how to make this confrontation end in her favour.

This, of course, bothered Hermione, for normally she knew exactly what to do in every situation, and had her two best friends teasing her or thanking her when she proved it. In this situation, however, she was stumped.

Something stood before her that she had never read or heard about in any book or class. She'd never learnt anything on the subject and was quite sour knowing that to be true as she looked into the eyes of one of her aforementioned best friends, their emerald eyes looking back at her with an emotion she never thought she'd see directed from this person.

They had been so kind and open just a few short weeks ago, and yet now they reflected something murky and cold.

Hermione looked down at her feet, feeling a welling sense of shame and guilt. Maybe if she'd been there for him more, or tried harder to understand him they wouldn't be like this now, acting like total strangers, as if the years past meant nothing.

"Granger, if there's something you need me for could you please get on with it?" Harlene told her, the sound of their voice lifting Hermione's head.

She looked at the girl in front of her and thought once again that she almost couldn't believe who it actually was, and if it hadn't been her herself that came to the conclusion she truly wouldn't have believed it.

It was utterly preposterous to think that the young lady she saw standing before her was truly Harry James Potter.

"Granger?" I asked again, watching as she jumped a little at my voice.

"You can call me Hermione if you'd like, I know it's probably killing you to call me by my last name," she smiled softly, knowingly at me.

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb, hoping that I wouldn't have to drag her into all this. Hermione was a foul liar after all.

"Really Harry, you can't keep things from me and you know it," she told me, an almost unnoticeable ounce of nervousness in her voice. "I may be a terrible liar, but I'm not blind you know."

"Yeah, and you aren't an owl either," I smiled awkwardly. "Or so I've heard."

She beamed at me.

"Oh Harry," she cried softly as she threw her arms around me as she envelopes me into a bone crushing embrace.

I slowly moved my arms around her and held her for a moment before pulling away with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, Mione," I told her, looking down at my shoes.

"Why are you sorry, you would've come to us with this if we hadn't driven you away with our insufferable goodness," Hermione huffed, "Even I know we can get a bit out of hand, I just hadn't realized how far we'd gone with the whole charade until you left."

I laughed a little at her words.

"Ron is absolutely intolerable, especially without you around." She cried.

"I know," I smirked. "At least you had a few classes away from him."

"I'm sorry Harry, I should've been a better friend,"

"Don't be sorry, just be here for me now," I said softly. "A lots gonna be happening soon and I need somebody at my side that I know I can count on."

"What else am I good for than sticking to your side?" She grinned, linking arms with me as we walked back down the hall to where we'd left Neville.

Though, what we didn't know at that moment, was that we hadn't been alone. For the moment we turned the corner, someone stepped from behind the tapestry we'd been standing across from, and continued in the opposite direction, making their way down the steps to the dungeons with their newfound information.

A Potion Gone Romantically Wrong [Drarry] Original-Incomplete(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now