The Professors

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It had taken weeks before someone finally asked whom the new female Slytherin was, this question came from Minerva McGonagall, and was answered by Severus Snape.
"Minerva, though it is not technically any concern of yours, seeing as I am head of Slytherin house, I will tell you what I may," He sighed, nose pinched between his forefinger and thumb. "Her name is Harlene Lyra Black, but she goes by the name Harley Quinn since her father doesn't want the school to know of her heritage. She has also technically been going to this school since her first year, she's only just now chosen to reveal herself to you."
"What else can you tell us Severus?" Filius asked softly from his seat of stacked books.
"I can tell you her birthday, her mother's maiden name, her relations with my other Slytherins, whether or not she is in procession of the dark mark, and her potions mark, but beyond that, for my sake and her own, I cannot tell you and it will be kept a secret between her and I until she or her family tell me otherwise," Severus answered.
"Alright then," Was Minerva's answer.
"Really, that quickly Minnie?" Pomona teased. "I thought you Gryffindors normally had more fight in you."
"You forget she was also, almost, a Ravenclaw," Filius chortled. "Keeping a clear head and your wits about you can help in more situations than brute strength and stubbornness."
"Oh no, Pomona's right," Septima told the man, causing a smirk to form on Pomona's lips as Aurora nodded with her.
"I bet you she's just coming up with an organized plan before she attacks," Charity added with a small laugh as Filius' house pride deflated slightly.
"I suppose your right," Filius sighed once he'd noticed the look of calm concentration on Minerva's face.
And that was the moment Minerva finally took to come back to the world and throw her plan into action.
"Severus, I need those answers," She told him sharply.
"Which answers, Minerva?" He asked, accompanied by an insufferable sigh.
"For the questions, we were allowed to know the answers to, of course," She told him with a slight huff.
"And what will you be doing with this information?" He asked dully.
"What do you expect me to do with it, Severus," She told him sternly. "I'll take it to Kingsley and get his help finding out what else I can on the girl."
"No can do, Minerva," Severus told her with a smirk. "Kingsley has already been sworn to secrecy by miss Quinn herself."
"Fine, I'll figure something else out," She huffed again, crossing her arms over her chest. "Now, on with the information."
"Her birthday is September 11th, her mother's maiden name is Quinzel, she is getting along quite well with her fellow Slytherins, mostly her years mates, though she has made friends with a couple of seventh years, she's especially close with mister Malfoy and his 'gang' as you call them. She is not in possession of a dark mark and she is currently getting an 'O' in potions." Severus told them, tapping a finger for each answer before turning to look at the professors around the table staring at him in various degrees of shock with a smirk.
"This won't end well, I hope you know," Sybill told Severus with a small, dazed smirk.
"Of course I do, but the mayhem caused will be rewarding enough," He replied with another smirk of his own.

A Potion Gone Romantically Wrong [Drarry] Original-Incomplete(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now