Chapter7 Johnny and Paige

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Me and Johnny were in our Biology class when he slipped me a note.

Can I ask you something? -J

You just did but go ahead. -P

It took him a few minutes to start writing again, as if he was trying to find the right words to say or write I mean. He finally began writing.

Uhm, sorry for taking so long, I couldn't think of how to put it, so here goes, I really like you Paige and I know we haven't known each other long but I really want you to be my girl.

I was so shocked. I didn't know what to say. I just sat there like an idiot staring at what he had written.

I finally decided to reply back with a yes and when Johnny read he was smiling like an idiot. I silently giggled and started paying attention to the teacher again.


She said yes! She actually said yes! I don't know if this is a dream or if it's actually happening! I was so happy. I heard her giggle a little bit, I guess I might have looked a bit like an idiot, but I couldn't help it, she said yes and now I'm just so happy!


School was finally over and me and Pony went to find Paige and Johnny. I texted Paige to see which class they would be leaving, she said Biology so Ponyboy lead they way there and we saw Paige and Johnny standing there holding hands and smiling like goof balls.

"Oh. My. God." I said while Ponyboy just stood the with his mouth opened. "Pony, close your mouth, you'll catch flies," I said giggling. He snapped out of it and closed his mouth while givng me a cute little glare. I chuckled and walked up to Paige and Johnny. "How'd it happen I wanna know everything!" I said excitedly as I got their attention.

Paige laughed and then showed me the note. "Awwwwh, so cute, he couldn't find the right words to ask my crazy ass sister out," I teased smirking.

Johnny blushed as Paige chuckled knowing that she was crazy. We then went to find Amanda, Frankie, Jewel, and Monica. When we got to them Paige told them everything.

We went to Jack's school to pick him up and take him to the Curtis'. "Paige and Johnny are dating now," I whispered to Jack as we were walking.

"What how?" He whispered back.

"In their Biology he passed her a note and asked her."

"Is that why they are walking so close together?"


We finally reached the Curtis house and Jack was so jittery, he was super excited to meet the gang.

"Calm down or you'll bounce all the way to the moon and back." I said laughing at Jack.

He gave me a slight glare as we lead the way into the house.

"Darry we're home!" Ponyboy yelled to Darry who was in the kitchen.

The whole gang was  there except Dal who was probably at Buck's.

"Hey guys, there's someone I want you to meet," I said while the guys turned to face me. "This is Jack, Mine and Paige's little brother."

"So you're the famous Jack they told us about," Two-Bit said turning back to watch Mickey Mouse.

"That's Two-Bit, he's a weirdo," Paige told Jack making Two-Bit turn to glare at her.

"I'm Sodapop, but everyone calls me Soda," Sodapop said standing up to shake his hand. Jack politely shook his hand as Steve introduced himself.

"And that's Superman in the kitchen," Steve joked as Darry came out of the kitchen. "But we just call him Darry."

"We'd introduce you to Dallas if he was here but, who knows where that lug nugget is," Amanda said causing everyone to laugh.

Just then Dally ran in. "Aye Darry, the fuzz is after me again ya gotta hide me man," he said looking to make sure the police didn't see him.

"Go hide in mine and Soda's room," Ponyboy said pushing him in the direction of the room he shares with his brother.

"That was Dallas," I said to Jackson who had a look of confusion on his face.

The police finally stopped looking for Dal and he came out of Pony and Soda's room.

We all decided to stay the night at the Curtis' since it was the weekend. We all slept in the living room on the floor except Darry who can't risk getting a bad back pain since he has to roof houses everyday at work.

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