Chapter12 Another phone call

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It's been a week since Mason called and I've kept myself locked in my room.

The gang has been trying to get me to come out of the house but I just won't.

"C'mon, ya gotta go to school and hang out with your friends or something!" Dad begged me.

"N-n-no, Mason will find me," I stammered.

"Please Kat, they really miss you, and you can't live in your room."

"F-fine." I got up and took a shower and put on some dark jeans and my Tweety Bird shirt that says,"ONE GEEKY CHICK" on it. I put on my Adidas ball shoes and walked to the Curtis' house with Jack.

"We won't let him get you again," he said angrily as we walked. I slightly smiled and nodded as if saying okay.

We got to the Curtis' and Jack walked in with me slowly trailing behind him.

"Hey guys," I said as I walked in. They all turned around and attacked me with hugs, except Dallas.

"While you've been gone Amanda and Steve started dating!" Soda said excitedly.

I fake smiled and looked down. They brought me some chocolate cake and chocolate milk and we started to watch Tv. We stopped watching the news because I knew how hard it was to catch Mason. After the third episode of Mickey Mouse came on, my phone rang. It was a private number.

My eyes widened because I knew it was Mason. I looked up at everyone to see their eyes on me. It pressed "Answer" and put the phone to my ear.


"I'm coming to Oklahoma, thanks to your precious mother, I know you're there somewhere," he said laughing evilly while hanging up.

I dropped my phone and tears welled up in my eyes.

"We won't let him hurt you," Darry said putting his newspaper down.

"What if you guys can't protect me, I mean even when Mason almost killed me last year my dad had a hard time keeping him down until the police showed." I said obviously thinking about the what if's like always.

"We won't let him kill you," Ponyboy said staring into my eyes.

"Anyways, what did he say on the phone?" Paige asked.

"He said that thanks to our precious mother he knew I was somewhere in Oklahoma and that he was coming here, Paige, I think he hurt mom," I said letting tears fall from my eyes

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