Chapter23 Do you remember part2

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A/n: So just to let you all know, my writing style has changed a lot from since I first started this book so this chapter may or may not be better and longer than any other chapter, also I am having to use the browser on my phone just to be able to write this for you guys, so bare er, bear, whichever one it isn't, with me. Why am I not already signed in on my Wattpad app? Because I have my new account signed in on it. This is in fact going to be the last chapter of this book and I am so glad it blew up the way it did because honestly I think my writing was complete trash. But thank you all so much for reading and for sticking around! I love you guys so much! Stay sexy my hoes!! Enough rambling, let's get to the chapter!!!!


I walked downstairs with Frankie to see the girls and that gang of boys, sitting in the living room.

"What's going on?" I asked uneasily.

"We have some videos here that we think might help you get your memory back," my dad said walking over to me and ushering me to sit in an arm chair.

They had a laptop set up with all sorts of video files ready to be played.

"Are you ready?" Paige asked as she sat near the laptop, ready to click the first one.

"As ready as ever."

She pressed play and I began watching.


As I watched the videos I began to tear up, I watched myself have cute moments with Ponyboy and I saw all the funny memories I would usually cherish had I remembered them. 

The videos ended and everyone turned to me expectantly. I started crying, like full on freaking sobbing.

"Hey hey hey, what's the matter?" My dad said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry," I choked out. "I sti-ll don't r-re-mem-b-ber."

I looked around to see everyone looking sad. Especially Ponyboy.

"Awh man, I really thought this would work," Two-Bit said, sadness evident in his tone.

"I don't think you're ever gon' get your memory back," Steve piped up frowning.

"I'm so sorry, I want to remember you guys, but I just, I can't!" I sobbed covering my face with my hands.

"It's okay, it's not your fault," Darry said coming over and patting my shoulder.

"I think we should give her some time," Jewel said standing up to leave. 

Everyone murmured in agreement, following her out the front door. Everyone except Ponyboy. He just sat there staring at me with a heartbroken look on his face.

"Kat, can-can we talk?" He asked, approaching me slowly.

I sniffled and nodded my head.

"I-I just wanna say, I love you, and we may not have been together long, but we were friends before that and I started falling before we got together. I know there's nothing I can really do to help you get your memory back, but, I hope some day, we can have something again."

My heart broke. No, scratch that. Shattered. I want to remember him so bad it hurts.

I choked out another sob, putting my hand over my mouth.

"Hey, it's okay," he said crouching down in front of me. "I'm not mad at you."

I said nothing but instead pulled him into a tight embrace. He hugged me back immediately. 

I'm not sure how long we stayed that way, it felt like a century. He held me tight as I cried on his shoulder. Eventually we pulled away. He smiled at me as he wiped away the tears still rolling down my face.

"I meant what I said," he said looking me in the eyes. 

I nodded but said nothing.

He sighed before standing up.

"I should probably head home.. It's getting late.."

I stood up with him and walked him to the door.

"I'm, really sorry Ponyboy. I wish-"

"I know, it's okay, we're cool," he said smiling at me.

I smiled back as he turned and started to walk away. He stopped for a second, turned around, walked back to me, and kissed me. I didn't even get to savor the kiss. Why? Because I was thrown into a whirlwind of memories. From what I watched in the videos to the things that wasn't recorded. 

I remembered Mr. Syme and my poem. I remembered being excited to read it. I remembered Pony's beautiful poem. I remembered his story, of what happened to him and Johnny. I remember not getting along with Dallas. Eating cake for breakfast at the Curtis' house. Playing football with the gang. Meeting Darry. The second attack. The moment Ponyboy asked me to be his. Everything. I remembered everything.

"Kathy? Kathy!" I heard someone say as the snapped their fingers in front of my face.

I opened my eyes to see Ponyboy looking at me worriedly.

"I remember.." I trailed off.


"I remember! I remember everything!" I exclaimed happily jumpin up and down.

Ponyboy looked at me in shock, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

"You did it Pony! You helped me remember!" I said as I threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

He laughed in disbelief before hugging me back, just as tightly. 

"Should we go tell the others?" He asked, muffled by my shoulder.

"Of course we should!" I exclaimed before releasing him and dragging him to his house, where I expected everyone to be.

I stopped just outside the gate of his house, and turned to face him.

"What?" He asked looking at me with a goofy grin.

"Thank you Ponyboy."

A/n: Spoiler alert, that's the END. Oh I'm so sorry, you wanted more didn't you? My apologies. There will be no sequel. There will be no more chapters. Sorry to disappoint but this is how I want the book to officially end. I'm so happy that this book made it so big, I mean, 70K reads??? That's awesome. You guys are awesome. When I started this book, it helped me to realize that writing is my PASSION, like, I love writing now. If not for this book I would be just reading books all the time all day every day. Now, my writing has grown as have I, and my writing style is much different and better now. If not for this book, if not for the love you guys have given me throughout the journey of writing it I probably would have never finished it and would not have been so into writing like I am now. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me until the end, it's been a long ride but we made it! I love you guys so so much! If you would like to follow me on my new account and see what I've written there, or if you would like to request some Please Don't Go one shots, I will have my new account posted in my bio! 

I hope you guys enjoyed this oh so short chapter and I hope the ending is good for you like it is for me, but don't forget, you can always request for one shots as long as you find my new account posted in my bio! I love you guys, stay awesome and beautiful my lovely hoes!! Goodbye! Much love to you all!💖💘

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