(2) Reality

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"Harry?" I gasped to myself, leaning against the kitchen island.

His chuckle on the other line confirmed exactly who I was talking to. Of course it was Harry.

"No, it's Harry." He joked, his voice husky as he spoke.

I couldn't believe he was calling me. It had been a week, no two weeks. He had promised to call all the time, and that's why lately I haven't been as cheery as I was. The calls haven't been coming in all too much.

"So the star decides to call his girlfriend." I hinted a bit at our supposed wedding he had talking about. He wanted to have it in a year, which was so unlike his previous statement of having it in 6 months before he left.

"I'm no star, but I have been busy and I just can't wait to hear your voice every time I pick up the phone." It sounded quick, forced almost. That gave me doubts, my mind wandering to the magazine pictures. Maybe I should just tell him, confront him with what I saw.

"Harry... I need to talk to you about something." I gulped down my doubts, I could just prove it to myself if he admitted to it, or if he pleaded innocent to cheating on me.

"Don't you worry about it. I've got someone for the wedding, I believe her name is Anna, who's going to help with planning the wedding. I've talked to her, she'll be flying over to Cheshire in a day or two. You don't have to worry a thing."

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me. It would be silly to think someone like Harry, my Harry, could do something like that. It wasn't him.

"Okay." I answered weakly, looking out the window to see a bunch of storm clouds circling all of a sudden.

"I've got to go Soph. They want me to promote some cookies." I smiled at that,thinking of Harry holding a box of cookies for a photo shoot. "I love you Sophie. I love you. Give Charlotte and Ryan a kiss for me, okay?"

"I will." Simultaneously, a crack of thunder boomed through the walls of our house, just as Harry hung up. There he was, off doing whatever he was doing for his career.

Rain followed shortly afterwards, along with the cries of Charlotte and Ryan. I shook my head, annoyed that a storm was coming. That meant no sleep for the twins, and that meant no sleep for me either.

I carefully got the screaming, kicking Charlotte out of bed first, setting her in a blanket on the change table first, then putting her back in my arms. Ryan was a much quieter baby then Charlotte, and at the time I was thankful for that. His small whines weren't even comparable to Charlotte's screams.

"It's okay, it's fine. Just a little thunder storm guys. Shh..." I kissed both of their foreheads, Ryan seemingly calming down, unlike Charlotte.

Charming Charlotte, with her screams of pure joy. That was the adjective I paired up with her name, like I had with Handsome Harry. But I couldn't quite figure out an adjective for Ryan. He could be Radiant Ryan, but I had a feeling he would hate me for that nickname.

I set them in their rockers, laughing at Ryan's confused face as to why I put him down. His two small eyebrows creased upwards, shock and as much betrayal a baby could muster was written on his face. Meanwhile, Charlotte continued to cry and scream her lungs out.

"Charlotte Mummy's right here baby girl, please stop crying Lottie." I sighed, feeling like a terrible parent.

An abrupt knock on the door startled me, and I worried about leaving the kids alone for two seconds just to see who it was.

They knocked again, and I ran back over to the door and looked through the peep hole. Standing, drenched in nothing else but rain, was Taylor.

Taylor had just moved in next to us, a few weeks ago actually. He wa always trying to talk to me, always trying to make me laugh it seemed. Sure, he was charming and kind -

Predictable // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now