(4) Guilty is Charged

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When people say guilty, they wouldn't necessarily think of when you're husband or wife cheats on you. They would think of the law instead. But you could also be guilty of cheating.

I couldn't come to terms with it. I couldn't even think of it. Harry wouldn't do this to me, I was saying to myself. At least not the Harry I knew.

None of that hurt more than the fact that he had been lying to me, even helping me with our wedding plans. Planning our wedding, while he was with someone else.

"Stop staring at the ground like you're going to die." Lauren said. She had a small smile on her lips that I saw when I looked up finally.

"He's cheating on me." I mumbled, emotionless. Suppressing the feelings felt like the best thing to do, when all you could feel was the pain.

She pressed her lips together, a small scowl on her features. She had come in, straight after I had called her, feeling hopeless about everything.

"And he's an asshole, a jerk, a cheater, a liar, and an asshole!" She sat down next to me, gesturing for me to take a mug of honeyed tea.

"But he's Harry." I said, turning towards her. Despite everything, I still felt hopeful. I still felt hopeful that he wasn't cheating on me, that there was just some mistake that was made and that everything would be fine.

I shook my head, standing up. We had put the twins back in their play pens, their coats hanging on the wall.

They were wide awake, their eyes immediately landing on me. Charlotte's cute baby laugh filled the air and Ryan's arms reached out towards me. Carefully, I plucked both of them out, securing them in my arms before going back over to the couch.

As soon as I sat down, they were looking for something to play with. Lauren took Charlotte while I had Ryan, lying down on my legs and kicking his feet wildly in the air. His smile was big, one tiny tooth visible.

With Charlotte and Ryan, I felt a new happy. One that didn't involve Harry. One that I could forget about everything for a second and just enjoy having my two, adoring little babies.

But that didn't mean it would go away.


A week. An entire week.

That's how long has gone by since the whole phone incident, and I couldn't describe what I was feeling exactly. Looking at my phone, 6 missed calls and 22 texts were visible, all from thr same contact number.


It hurt. It hurt like someone had taken the other half of me. When he called, I had too look away, fending off tears that would come anyways. I couldn't bear to listen to his voice mail. That would only make it worse.

I wasn't ready to face him. I didn't know if there was supposed to be a time when I would. Putting it off was only going to make it hurt more, but I thought that maybe the old saying was right. Maybe, if you ignored the pain, it would go away.

Three times this week, I would have Charlotte or Ryan crying, and I couldn't get them to stop and I just broke. I would land on the floor, sobs wracking through my body, the emotional feelings being released for a few seconds.

I just didn't know what to do.

"You'll find someone better, Sophia." "He's not worth it, Soph. " "A lying. cheating, jerk is all he is. You deserve so much better."

That's what everyone's been saying to me. When my brother called, saying the weather up there was bad so he wouldn't be able to make it, I felt a tiny bit of relief. Having them over would be hectic, and it .. just didn't feel right to have them over.

My eyes find my cell phone once again. A new text, making it now 23 now. How many will it take, before I finally just call him? He must know by now, that something's wrong, and he must've guessed what it is too.

I nod to the lady, giving her bag of books to her and smiling. Today Lucy wanted to baby sit for me, claiming that she has absolutely nothing to do, so she would love to. The twins love her, too, always getting that little excitement in their voices when they see her, which is even better.

Leaning back onto the counter, I glanced around. It was just me today at the book store, that was until five, and it was already half past four. Picking up a book, I attempted to keep my mind from wandering to the topic I've tried - with everything I've got - to avoid.

But, as fate has it, the book I picked up happened to be titled in pretty pink:

"How to Deal with a Liar"

I don't know why I even bothered opening up the book to the first page, or why I even bothered to start reading. Maybe it was the thought that perhaps something in here would help.

'Liars are everywhere to be seen. They could be the husband who gives you a kiss before work, the friend who always has funny jokes, or even your flattering boss. Once you know they're lying, how are you supposed to deal with it? What should you do, to give them the memo that you are not going to tolerate this kind of idioticness? Simple. Follow the following-'

I shut the book closed, placing it back where it was. The book wouldn't do anything to help me. It was me, who wasn't helping me. All I had to do was call him, and yet I was in disbelief about it.

A tiny spark of hope blossomed in my chest, once again. Maybe he would tell me exactly what I wanted to hear; that he wasn't cheating. That maybe he would have a good reason for that girl to be answering his call.

All I wanted to do, was to forget this. But I couldn't. So, I needed to deal with it. I was in denial to think if you ignored it, it will go away. Because it doesn't, and never will if I continue to pretend not to care about the texts, the calls, the voice mails. Because I do care, and it does matter. Because I want us, Harry & I, to get through this.

Because, I love him.

Instinctively (and in a complete rush of emotions), I picked up the cell phone. Just like I had before, when I wasn't nervous about looking at my phone. I ignored the uneasiness and the slight shake to my fingers, forcing them to stay steady and finally click the dial button.

The first ring felt like forever.

And then, he answered.


i planned on doing this yesterday but it turned out ot be a very, very hectic day. & i feel really bad.

because this is also a short chapter. & i feel like a really, really terrible writer right now. im so sorry if any of you are disappointed.

summer is busy, and books are something that keeps me busy. that's why i haven't been updating as frequently, too!

i do admit, i am not the best updater & clearly all of you have mentioned that. don't take it as in i'm EVER going to abandon you! you're all the best fans i could ever ask for.

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu {reference to harry's use of extending the letters!}

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