"Survey For The Author"

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Thanks so much if you take the time to do this. I am just curious to know some of your thoughts... so I have a few questions. You can either message them to me or answer them in the comment box. I would enjoy it if you answered all of them or even just one. Thank you for reading!

1. From a scale of 1-10. 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. Tell me how much you trust these characters:





-Aaron (Maire's Son)

-Gina (The soldier who assigned Archer back to Remi)

-The Third Party

2. Has anything shocked you as far as events go in the book so far? If so, what?

3. Do you think you know what is going to happen? Tell me what you are thinking!

4. Who is your favorite character? Why?

5. How did you come across this book and what made you want to read it?



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