Message From Nations

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Another book to this series called 0001 that will be coming out soon. I have already written chapters for it so I hope to see you all there! Thank you so much for reading! I can not believe I finished this. It has been a long journey but I have learned a lot about myself and my writing during this process.

If there is one thing as a reader I hope you took notice of about the endings is that, sometimes, all it takes is one person to make a major difference. My characters did not know their lives would depend on, after all they had pushed through, one person. Jericho was not even aware that she had the power to help or to destroy until the moment it was up to her. Her standing up for what she knew was right or letting the scene continue, is what ultimately sealed Remi and Archer's fate. 

When I edit I will be adding: 

-More interactions earlier on in the forest with Remi and Jericho as well as Remi and Aaron. That way you get to know them a little better and there back story. 

-Introduce you to Jericho's family who I never wrote in but now regret. 

-Remi reading the papers she stole from the Hall of Knowledge about her and Archer. She does learn more about herself as well as him but I forgot to write it in. Oops. 

Quick explanation of 4522: This book was mainly written as a way to show Communism in the extreme regarding regular people in an extreme society. There are many ways for a government to become extreme and, no matter which direction it goes, will always become bad for the majority in them. Without maintaining a balance, a society is bound to fail. 

You can not give the people everything without them giving much in return, nor can you give them nothing and expect them to give their all.

Important: Remember that keeping up with your countries government is important. It is important to vote for what you believe in and to have your voice be heard. You have the power to say no and change the world for the better, never forget that. 

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