Cups - Seven

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The Seven of Cups often appears when a difficult choice must be made, and the image on most versions of the card reflects that. The seven cups are filled with strange and wonderful gifts... but there is always danger hidden within one or two of them to sting anyone who ventures near. Lying amidst the gems and the wreath of victory are a snake and a dragon. Sometimes you have to choose between many options, all of which may be tempting but only one of which is the best choice. At others times not all of those choices are real options at all; they are delusions of the imagination.

This card generally shows choices and plans that have little or no basis in reality. Such things are typical of the developed imagination, and fine if they stay in the imagination. But when you try to implement those ideas in the real world you are leaving yourself open to inevitable disappointment when you realize that your vision simply does not work. The fortress has no foundation and it will fall with the first enemy attack. Some attainment is indeed possible, but like the sword of Damocles, the inevitability of defeat lingers over your head, waiting to drop and shatter all those castles you have built in the clouds.

Temptation is another theme of this card, and with so many choices presented it would be easy to be swayed to that cup containing the snake of jealously and cunning. Since this card is of the Cups suit we get all the sexual and emotional connotations of temptation; the one-night stand, the extramarital affair, and all those other things that seem innocent and pleasurable at the time they are undertaken. But in the vast majority of cases, the pleasure gained temporarily is far outweighed by the consequences that last, in most cases, for an entire lifetime.

In short, the Seven of Cups is a sign to be vigilant in everyday life. Be on guard against temptation, and before taking any offers be aware of all the potential ramifications. Keep a close eye on your dreams so that they do not get too farfetched and fantastic. When faced with many choices, all of which seem equally attractive, turn to your intuition for guidance. If you still don't know which to take, it might be safer to not take any of them at all! Better to leave the gems than plunge one's hand into a cup full of snakes. If your ethics are questioned, do not go against them, but stand true to your beliefs. Keep your feet on the ground, and your head out of the clouds.


Introduction: The 7 of Cups is a card about choices. It often indicates confusion and can even also point to disorganization and too much going on.

General: In general this card points to a need to narrow your focus. When it appears, you are probably trying to do too much, and doing most of it not very well. Choose just a few of the myriad things that are on your plate, and work through these items one by one, carefully. You may be feeling overwhelmed. Remember that you can control at least in some areas, how much you are trying to take on.

Work: If a business or work deal seems too good to be true, it probably IS too good to be true. Watch where you put your money and who you put your trust in. If you work (or want to work) in a creative field of some kind, this is an excellent omen for making good progress, however if your job or field is more precise, mathematical, and business like, this energy carries the warning that you may be spending too much time with your head in the clouds and need to refocus.

Love: You may have several romantic choices at hand. Be clear and specific about what you want in a relationship, evaluate your choices thoughtfully, be honest and as clear as you can be with all people involved (including yourself) then move ahead. Beware falling in love with the "heady rush" that happens only at the beginning of a relationship. In no relationship does that rush last forever. Good relationships, even soul mate relationships, will settle into a less "rush-based" comfort zone at some point. That does not mean that you have to stay in a rut.

Finances: This is not a good time to make financial investments. If you must, consult a professional or do a lot of homework, first. You may be too scattered businesswise (and this holds true particularly if you own your own business.) For maximum return, focus your efforts.

Health: Any symptoms that you are experiencing may be at least partially due to a lack of being grounded, but of course consult your doctor to be sure. Keep a journal of your symptoms and also of your thoughts. Physical exercise will help you stay grounded.

Spirituality: Visualize your most important goals and desires being met. Use positive affirmations and/or treasuremapping to help make your dreams come true. Keep a positive attitude. If you need help doing so, reach out for it. There are plenty of positive influences available to you, you just need to know where to look.


Introduction: The 7 of Cups is a card about choices. When the 7 is reversed, you are beginning to make them and to move toward action.

General: In general the reversed 7 of Cups says that you are making the choices that need to be made and are moving toward concrete and important action. Trust your gut; you've probably already realized that you have to start somewhere. Do so, and you will thrive.

Work: When the reversed 7 of Cups appears in a work context, you may need to watch out for someone in your environment who tends to take unnecessary risks and who may be less than truthful. Believe in yourself, if you sense something is wrong, it probably is.

Love: When is comes to love, this card in reverse says that you have finally gotten very clear about what you want and need from love, and are ready to take steps to make it happen. Follow your instincts. There is nothing wrong with making your feelings clear to someone that you care for. You may be very pleasantly surprised at their reaction. It's better to take action sometimes than to spend your life in dreaming about "what if?" Again, trust your gut. If you think (and have evidence) that someone is not treating you right, then they aren't.

Finances: In general the reversed 7 of Cups says that this is a time to be cautious with money, not to gamble. Yes, there are a million choices about what to do with your hard earned cash, but the energy of this time says that prudence and safety should be your overriding principals. You have or will shortly be making some important financial decisions. Decide, then follow through.

Health: The 7 of Cups reversed says that you have begun to realize what you can do to better support your health; you should have at least one or 2 very clear ideas. Trust them, (provided your health care providers agree) and stop thinking; the time for action is now.

Spirituality: You may be in the process of recovering from some spiritual trial. This is a time to take the actions that you know in your heart and soul that you must take, whether that's forgiving yourself, forgiving others, or meditation. The answers you seek are within you. Find them, and take action.

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