Wands - Page

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The Page of Wands has a passion for life, despite the fact (or maybe because of the fact) that he is still a child and his understanding of the world is not yet complete. He is a free spirit, not weighed down by the burdens of the material world, coming and going as he pleases, usually bringing change along for the ride. He is the catalyst that provokes changes that might be impossible in any other situation. When his energy enters your life it may manifest in one of three ways: as a person around you, as an event that you will experience, or as a part of yourself that you must bring to the fore.

Only rarely is an external event signalled by the Page of Wands. He does act as a herald for the same activites as the other pages; the arrival of good news and the birth of children, for example. And in those cases he is a very good sign, particularly in the latter case because of his association with creation and conception. But the event he usually symbolizes is a different type of conception, the conception of an idea. The Page of Wands represents the brief creative spark that comes to you, suddenly and unexpectedly, and that starts you down the road of a new creative vision. Your life will never be the same once he comes into it.

Sometimes this spark will appear in your life as a person who embodies the physical or mental qualities of the Page of Wands. Such a person often has a vivid and childlike imagination, though they may neither realize it is there or know how to develop it for creative purposes. As such his ambitions are high but not unattainable; he will challenge himself but he will probably not overstep his limits unless pushed to do so. As a Wands card, ethics are always high on his list of priorities. He accepts change because he is the agent of change, the catalyst and the creative visionary. He is also a faithful lover with almost unlimited passion and enthusiasm.

There is, of course, a Page of Wands lying within each of us waiting for a chance to manifest (if it is not doing so already!). When he does appear in your life it often comes at a time when you need his passion for life and his total fearlessness. His greatest power, in fact, is the power to deal with fears by facing them and seeing them for what they are. The light of his inner fire can expose the dark demons that you have been so afraid of, and show you that what you were running from was yourself all along. Once you see that your fears are nothing but parts of you, you can integrate them into yourself and grow stronger. Leave your fear behind and you'll be surprised how much freedom you'll win.


Introduction: The face cards such as the Page very often indicate a literal person in our lives. In this case, it can indicate a female who is younger than the querent. Wands people are warm, ambitious, and usually high achievers. If not a literal person, the Page of Wands indicates the energy of easy distraction. Try to stay focused.

General: In general, this card indicates that things that you started some time ago are starting to come to fruition. It can also show a need for new things - new adventures, new approaches, and new ideas. The Page brings us positive energy. We must supply the follow-through, however.

Work: In terms of work, this card can show a woman (likely to have light hair) who is inclined to be very helpful to you at work. She also may be a little younger than you are - this could be by a matter of days or weeks. If you've been waiting on a decision for a job that you've already applied for, the news is very likely to be good. The job is also likely to be better and more enjoyable than you would have hoped

Love: Messages of love and affection are likely to be coming your way. If you are single, a new suitor with whom you have a lot in common, and who is also very adventuresome, may be about to burst into your world. Take a chance on them, but only if you're available. If you're committed and unhappy, now's the time to begin deciding if the relationship can be saved, and how long you will try to make it happen. Both parties have to be willing to work in a relationship. If your partner isn't, it might be time to move on.

Finances: Money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when this card appears. Some of what you've put out into the world (in the form of good energy) is likely to be returning to you, with interest. This is a very good time to start planning long range, even if you're twenty years old. Where do you want to be, financially in thirty years? How will you make it happen?

Health: In terms of health the Page points to a need for action. You will have to make some efforts to improve your health situation. Do you need more exercise? Do you need nutritional education to make sure that you are eating better? There are resources available. Nothing will change by wishing things were different. Take control. It won't be easy, but it can be done.

Spirituality: This can be a very creative time for you, and a good time for you to actually become childlike... dream, play, be inventive. You never know what your creations during this time might come to, and at any rate you will enjoy yourself and this play will deepen and enrich your life.


Introduction: The face cards such as the Page, whether reversed or upright, very often indicate a literal person in our lives. In this case, it can indicate a female who is younger than the querent. The reversed Page of Wands implies a level of confusion and indecision. You may be called upon to help someone decide something important.

General: Occasionally the reversed Page of Wands can depict unwelcome news that may be coming soon. This is not ususally anything horrendous or dire, just something that you would rather not have happened. More often it indicates a need for focus and decisiveness.

Work: In terms of work, the Page of Wands reversed can show a woman (likely to have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum) who may be causing complications at work because of her indecisiveness. It's possible that you are standing in your own way through your own difficulty with making a decision. If you are looking for work, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Hiring decisions may also be delayed a little longer.

Love: When the reversed Page of Wands appears in a love context, the focus may be on getting to know each other better, trading stories, etc, rather than on an immediate, serious commitment. You are well advised not to push if you are currently seeing someone but are not yet committed - the time may not yet be right. If you are looking for love, someone may warn you away from a new interest; make up your own mind. Gossip and "warnings" aren't always true - but usually shouldn't be completely ignored, either.

Finances: As with the upright meaning of this card, money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when the Page of Wands appears. Someone with financial expertise could come into your life and give you excellent advice. You could also get excellent financial news that you weren't expecting. When the abundance comes, consider what you can do to share a little of it, if only to keep the "wheel of prosperity" turning.

Health: In terms of health the reversed Page points to people nearby who are ready, willing, and able, to be helpful to you in terms of your health. This can be professionals, or simply an inspirational exercise buddy or friend. Don't try to do everything on your own. This card shows you'll get farther being open to the understandings, good influences, and expertise of others.

Spirituality: The Page definitely points to a need to honor and listen to your own intuition. Creativity may go far to enrich your spiritual experiences now. Someone that you already know may have some important spiritual insights to share. Even if you're usually very private about such things, consider talking to a friend or two about their spiritual "take" or experiences. This can be unbelievably insipirational.

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