Cups - Five

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Most people aren't too happy when the Five of Cups appears in a reading, and for good reason. This is a card whose meanings are quite simple: sadness, grief, disappointment and regret. Often these feelings will arise because of actions such as those pictured on the Four of Cups; taking love for granted and not valuing every person or thing in our lives that make us feel special. The Four predicted that all would be lost if nothing was taken to divert the path of events, and when this advice is not heeded, the Five of Cups becomes the inevitable result.

The Five of Cups usually is not a sign of existing hardship, but a warning so you may change your course in time. But often you will be too late, and the saddening event will happen despite your best efforts. This can be a broken relationship, a divorce, or the loss of a friend. No matter what the event or its reasons for happening, the effect is the same. The pain fills your mind, just as the tragic scene on the card burns itself into your memory so you can't forget it. To some it would seem that there is no way out of this situation, but the Tarot always shows problems on one hand and solutions on the other. In persistence of vision lies the key to overcoming the sadness.

This is pictured universally by a number of cups that have been spilled, but one or two that are left standing, out of sight of the grieving figure on the card. But they are well within your view if you look closely enough. While it is true that much has been lost, there is still a ray of hope because some of the cups remain full and upright. You must not pity the man on this card, and you must not pity yourself when you find yourself in his situation. After all, there is a way out if you will stop crying and open your eyes. You will have to work on it, but there it is.

Sometimes you also have to remember that change never happens just for the sake of change. There is always a reason for the disturbance, an imbalance that must be eliminated or a wrong that must be righted. In these cases, even a disastrous change can be beneficial. A relationship without love is bound to fall apart anyway, so it may be better that it fails sooner than later. The Five of Cups tells you to be thankful for what is left, don't worry about what cannot be changed, and turn a setback into a step forward. Never let your tears stop you from seeing what is left over.


Introduction: The 5 of Cups is another card which reminds us that where we put our focus in life has a great deal to do with the quality of our lives and how well they work for us. What are you going to choose to focus on?

General: In most tarot decks, most depictions on each card give solid guides toward interpretation, for this card, this is more than usually the case. Most often, a sad or downcast figure is shown, with five cups. Three are spilled, and two remain upright and whole. The implication is extremely clear; are you going to cry over "spilt milk" or are you going to focus on the "milk" you still have, and get on with things? The point is: watch where you put your focus and make sure that the focus is for your highest good.

Work: If you are trying to find work when this card comes up, try not to get too worked up if there are delays. Things with applications, resumes, and such, will likely be moving slowly. Be pro-active but not pushy. When this card appears (and the question is about work...) it can be a signifier that you are actually in the wrong job. Consider what you would like to be doing. Take steps toward making it happen.

Love: A love relationship you are in may have just ended or may be about to start the process of ending. You must realize that "all is not lost." You are probably not yet ready to move into a new relationship. Give yourself some time and space...then get back out there. There will come a day when you realize that the reason this relationship ended was to get you to the place you "really want to be," which is in a relationship that really works for you, and works well.

Finances: Worrying too much about money can actually have the opposite effect of what you are trying to "make happen" and that's having a better flow of financial prosperity - that is, a flow in your favor. The way to get a handle on this worry is actually to be generous. You're probably not as "bad off" as you think. Give something away, or make a small donation to a cause that you believe in.

Health: It's critical that you keep a positive attitude. If you just "can't get over" what someone "did to you" or what happened in your past, now is the time to get help in resolving these issues, before you cause yourself serious damage/pain by dwelling on your past. The past is gone. Focus on the present, and the future.

Spirituality: It's important now to give some thought to forgiveness. You don't forgive others for THEIR sake, or because they "deserve it," necessarily, you do it for your own sake, because holding on to anger and pain is toxic and bad for you. Not only that, while you're busy being angry and full of pain, the person you're angry with, is often somewhere having a good time! So, now is the time to let go.


Introduction: The 5 of Cups reversed can indicate that new prospects and new projects are about to come into your life. It's a time to be hopeful and to reach out to others if you are in need of something - whether that need is for work, attention, concern, or anything else. Have faith in yourself and faith that your needs can be met.

General: When you pull the reversed 5 of Cups, you may have just been through a difficult time. The good news is that your recovery seems to be moving along well. Keep moving, don't get "stuck" in things that are already over and done with.

Work: Although things may have been tough with regard to work lately, you are beginning to figure out that the only person you can truly control or effect in the situation is yourself. Think positively, and consider what is truly right for you. Keep a great attitude and be civil. That and the best work you can produce is all they have a right to expect.

Love: With the reversed 5 of Cups, you are beginning to realize that you can have a happy and meaningful love relationship, period; you do not have to accept abuse or trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to make something work with an unsuitable partner. If you're not yet feeling this way, you soon will be. Trust your instincts.

Finances: The reversed 5 reminds you to make a point to count your blessings and to be grateful for what you already have. Again, you are moving into a period where you are more in touch with who you really are and what you are really capable of "bringing to the table" in order to bring more prosperity into your life. Think positive, and cultivate your self esteem.

Health: As with the upright five in this context, It's critical that you keep a positive attitude. If you just "can't get over" what someone "did to you" or what happened in your past, now is the time to get help in resolving these issues, before you cause yourself serious damage/pain by dwelling on your past. Forgiving other people is not for their benefit; it's for your own.

Spirituality: You are ready for a fresh spiritual start and you are likely to be feeling renewed very soon, if you are not sensing this already. Make a point to bring in new, and different information on spirituality which intrigues you. You can do this through meeting new people, obtaining information on different faith traditions, or even reading philosopy. allow yourself to have some "new information" to chew over.


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