Cups - Ace

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Everything starts with love, so they say, and this is certainly true of the Cups suit. The Ace of Cups is the initial flow of emotion that could become a mighty river is given time and attention. It is the planted - but still dormant - seed of great love and affection in the future, the first stirrings of passion, joy and insight. The Cup on this Ace is often said to represent the Holy Grail, and just as Joseph of Arimathea was sustained by the wafer placed in the Grail each day, so too does love and emotional balance sustain our everyday lives.

Often, the Ace of Cups will predict the start of a relationship, one that is full of potential and may eventually lead to true love and happiness. But you must always remember that the Ace can show only potential, not the final result of a situation. If a relationship starts out well, it is up to the two people involved to keep it that way, and improve upon it in any possible manner. The Ace of Cups is not a guarantee of happiness, but a guarantee that you will have the chance to make happiness for yourself if you want to. If you want to develop an existing relationship, the Ace cannot help you.

In situations not involving relationships, the Ace of Cups still shows the power of love that is necesary in the situation. But love in this sense does not always refer to romance. Love is a plant with many flowers: generosity, forgiveness, peace, honesty or simply letting your feelings show. Ask your Inner Voice which kind of love you will need, and you will surely get an answer because the Ace of Cups is the card of the awakening intuition. All of these things associated with emotion and intuition run high when the Ace of Cups makes an appearance.

This is indeed a very spiritual card, not only because of its ties to the intuition and its resemblance to the Holy Grail, but because it shows the first step down a path of enlightenment and understanding. This is a period where the Inner Voice will actively manifest in your life, and your hidden dreams and desires have a chance to be realized. As with the relationship issue, now is your time to pursue those amibitions if you so choose. In the best cases the Ace of Cups will represent a powerful spiritual awakening that you must accept and embrace. Allow the light of the Universe to touch you, and allow the power of love to flow out of your heart.


Introduction: The Ace of Cups is a very powerful, positive omen relating to love, happiness, and affection. Like all the aces though, it is about new beginnings and although it usually means love it can indicate new beginnings in other areas of life.

General: Things are looking up! In general, people will respond to you with happiness, love, and goodwill, more than usually in the near future. You should be feeling good about life in general. This is a great time to make friends.

Work: This can signify a promotion and/or new, good job headed your way. If you are already employed you should know that both you and your work are appreciated and valued - and you should see signs of this soon. If you are unemployed (or looking for a new job) then you need to keep looking for new opportunities. They are out there - all you have to do is find them.

Love: Again, this is an excellent omen regarding love; either an existing relationship is going to take a turn for the better. Indeed for an existing relationship this could be a deeper level of understanding, or commitment, or almost any important aspect of a relationship. It will feel almost like a new and encouraging start. If you are as yet uncommitted, a new relationship is likely to appear soon.

Finances: This augurs good possibility for money, in the context of "something new." It could mean that you will find a new job if you are looking for work, or some extra work on the side that you could do if you are already working, or even that you will be given a gift of some money to help you out. Definitely, again, good news.

Health: Your health is likely to take a turn for the better; you should be feeling healthy and full of energy.

Spirituality: The Ace of Cups shows a need for you to "give back" some of the love that you have been given in life/that you are experiencing. This is also a connection to the divine....on a spiritual level, meditate on the idea that you are a beloved child of the universe, and feel the support that comes to you "from the other side," as it is always there, all you have to do is look for it.


Introduction: The reversed Ace of Cups is a positive omen, but in general you may be feeling a bit stuck. Know that with your time and attention, you can resolve most blockages.

General: Look at where you feel some blockages in life, and consider how you might act to remove those blocks and get the energy flowing again. Try to understand what is causing those blockages so that you can do something positive and constructive about them. Think it through thoroughly before taking action.

Work: Work should be going well. If you are looking for new employment or trying to make a change, you should see some signs of progress in weeks to come, although not immediately. Hang in there.

Love: The reversed Ace of Cups is not a bad omen, but it can indicate that things aren't quite where they need to be for your love life to really thrive. Look at yourself, first. Have you truly dealt with everything necesary to allow you to live life with an open heart? If you're in a love relationship, it may not be one that is best for you. Think about what you really want and need in life. Get help if you need it.

Finances: You may have an emotional bond to or about your work which is not serving you well personally now. Are you staying in an unhappy job situation because you have feelings for the people/persons involved? Take a moment to consider what you want and need. Change is not always bad.

Health: The reversed Ace of Cups tells you that your health in general is probably pretty good, and may be likely to take a turn for the better. Self-esteem and self-love can be an important predictor of health. Is yours where it needs to be?

Spirituality: The Reversed Ace of Cups shows a need for you to be more proactive about loving yourself. If you don't love and care for yourself, just as you are, today, how can you expect other humans to do so? Being kind to yourself is important. Consider your connections to the spiritual world. You may need more time alone to meditate.

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