Swords - Queen

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The Queen of Swords is another of those mysteriously ambiguous court cards in which the masculine and the feminine are at conflict. She never shows her emotional side, but her judgement can sometimes be swayed by her heart, and because of these conflicts she is neither a good confidante nor a fair judge. The Greek myth of Atalanta comes to mind when viewing this card (and not just because Atalanta is the Queen of Swords in the Mythic Tarot!). Atalanta was a woman who lived to the standards of men, and who would not accept the love of any man except one would could defeat her in battle. When someone did beat her, their love was squandered and destroyed.

Most of the time, the Queen of Swords shows a person in your life. Such a person is always renowned for their perception and insight. The intuitive quality of the Water element and the mental clarity of the Swords are behind this potent combination, and in this case the two elements are not opposite to one another. This keen vision allows the Queen of Swords to see straight to the heart of any situation, past the illusions that may entice others into seeing what isn't really there. She always sees both sides of every argument and those who try to deceive her are in for a big surprise - thieves and con artists will quickly taste her cold steel.

The negative side of the Queen of Swords stems in part from her honesty and desire for the truth. Once she has a view of the situation she lets everyone involved know her opinion, and heaven help them if they disagree! Her mind is as sharp as a razor and when it is not occupied slicing away lies, it will start to cut the perceived liars. This type of person often has very few friends, and they are often depressed and unsatisfied with themselves because they cannot live up to their own high standards. The Queen of Swords often uses her dry and vicious humor to keep others from seeing her bitterness and her dissatisfaction.

Each of us is a bit like the Queen of Swords, some more than others. Often, her ability to perceive the truth despite a web of lies will prove useful if there are hints of deception. Tapping the power of the Queen of Swords will help you see what is being hidden, if anything. Her stoicism and her "stiff upper lip" are a sign that she considers painful experiences to be learning experiences, and that you should start thinking this way too. She learns a little from everything she does and from everyone she meets, and everyone who talks with her goes away a little wiser - whether they realize it or not!


Introduction: The Queen of Swords can point to a woman in the querent's life. This is a woman who is not to be trifled with. Often she will have dark hair and/or eyes. If not a person, she can point to the need for you to be forceful and honest in some situation to get your needs met. You may need to put your foot down.

General: In general the Queen of Swords can indicate that your instincts are serving you well. You already know what it is you want and need, now you just have to go after it. Be mindful of other people's boundaries as you are doing so, however. This Queen has forceful energy which some people find abrasive.

Work: Even though you may be very clear on what needs to happen in your work environment, this is not the time to broadcast your impressions. Don't overreact to any perceived slights or disrespect. If you're looking for work, you're in the space of being able to present yourself very well. Look to the women in your life to point you in the right direction.

Love: With regards to love, the only caution with this Queen is to beware the impulse to be too forceful. We've all been told that we'll get more flies with honey than with vinegar, and there's truth to this. Your mother or a mother-like figure may interfere in your relationship, whether she means to or not. Figure out where your boundaries lie with this, and let her know.

Finances: With regard to money, the Queen of Swords can show that a strong woman is about to play an important role in your financial life. There is a lot that you can learn from her, if you can be open to what she has to say.

Health: You may be repressing your emotions, and if so, this will impact your body negatively. Having said that, you must still be careful how, when, and where you vent your emotional reactions. Anything that reduces your stress level will be helpful now, even a five minute walk. Pick your battles. Stay in the moment.

Spirituality: The Queen can indicate that your emotions are the gateway to opening up your spiritual life. Think about what you are feeling and why. Then stop thinking and feel. Keeping a dream diary can be particularly insightful now. Be open to messages from spirit in the everyday.


Introduction: The Queen of Swords reversed very often can point to a woman in your life. She may not be a kind person, and may well have dark hair and/or dark eyes. You will want to stay on her good side if you can. She may (sometimes without realizing it or without meaning to) block important things from getting accomplished.

General: In general the Reversed Queen of Swords can indicate stumbling blocks; these are most often created by other people besides you but occasionally refers to those which you are creating. Do you behave in ways that people find abrasive? Are you shooting yourself in the foot without realizing it? If you don't know, ask someone you trust to be honest with you.

Work: The reversed Queen points to communication problems at work, both between people and with things like computers and information being misunderstood or misinterpreted. Take your time, explain yourself thoroughly and make sure that you are understood and that you have understood instructions and information as best you can. Assumptions can be very problematic now, both in established jobs and when job hunting.

Love: With regards to love, the main caution with this reversed Queen of Swords is that your memory of what happened or what was said in a romantic relationship may not be the actual reality of things. Be open to hearing your partner's point of view. If you're looking for love, you'll have to work harder than usual to understand where your prospective partner is coming from. Don't assume; ask.

Finances: With regard to money, the Queen of Swords reversed can show that communication and data mistakes can impact your financial life now. Check reciepts and financial statements carefully. Your bank or a store (or utility) could make an accidental mistake; catching it could save you substantial money.

Health: You need to be vigilant about remembering to take any medication that you are on, and this would also be a good time to make sure that women in your life that you care about are doing the same. If you have concerns about your health or the way your memory is functioning, this is an important time to seek medical attention. Be honest with your health care provider, even about things that may seem small.

Spirituality: The Queen of Swords reversed can indicate that a strong woman can really enrich your spiritual life now, however, she may do so in a way that is difficult to deal with or in a negative way. Sometimes people teach by showing us how we don't want to be. But with eyes open, we can learn from everyone, even people who have a tendency to be hurtful - whether they mean to be or not.

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