Pentacles - Six

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The epiphany of Ebeneezer Scrooge, maybe the most profound and sudden change of heart in literature, carries a feeling of generosity very similar to that of the Six of Pentacles. The Six is the dawning of the light after the dark night of the Five, and the realization that material wealth and spiritual wealth are so different after all. The lesson of the Ace has been learned. Just like the scales often pictured on this card, generosity has two sides. This card shows when you are the person expressing generosity, or when you are the recipient of someone else's good favor.

The Six of Pentacles often represents the first of these two situations, when it is your generosity that is being (or should be) expressed. Now that you have lived through the darkness long enough to see the inner light, it is time to help others who are not so fortunate. The generosity of the Six does not limit itself to money and material things, though the focus is on those because it is a Pentacle card. Giving of your time or your wisdom is often just as spiritually fulfilling as giving away money or gifts, and the intangible gift of your presence is received just as well, if not better.

There are limits on helping, however. It is pointless to give so much that you ruin yourself, and it is equally pointless to give a person so much that they become totally dependent on you. That is the purpose of the scales, which offer the qualities of discrimination and fair judgement as they relate to generosity. To paraphrase Marx, give according to your abilities, and according to the needs of others. And if too many people start asking for your help it is not forbidden to draw the line! Do not make the mistake of half-heartedly helping everyone when you can do a better job helping a few.

Sometimes you must call on the kindness of others to help you through dark times, especially those periods of spiritual darkness depicted on the Five. The appearance of the Six of Pentacles can thus indicate that someone in your life is willing to help you, either by giving you money or by offering you advice that will set you on the right track. When it seems that the Six of Pentacles is telling you that you have to be generous, think about who in your life needs help and how they need it. The law of cause and effect is in force here - expect rewards of your generosity. A new friend could easily be made through a good deed and a kind word.


Introduction: The 6 of Pentacles is often a sign of a turn for the better, particularly with regard to money. It's one of the more positive Pentacles cards. It speaks of equality, fairness, and the cyclical nature of life. When this card appears, you are likely to be heading into a positive cycle.

General: The 6 of Pentacles is often a card about generosity, meaning that you are either about to be the beneficiary or the giver of something with value. Share what you have as there is always someone who needs it. This generosity does not have to be fiscal, of course; a listening ear, spiritual support, etc. is often far more important than anything money can buy. Don't be too proud to accept what is offered, if you are the intended recipient.

Work: You may find things going much better at work, almost out of the blue. A powerful person is likely to support you. This card indicates that this is a good time to ask for a raise or to seek employment that pays more if you are so inclined. On the whole, your work/career front is looking up. If you are seeking funding through a bank, for your own business, this card is a signal that you may be more successful than you had imagined. Go for it.

Love: If you are already in a committed relationship, the 6 of Pentacles points to a happy, generous, fair and balanced relationship for at least a while. Allow your beloved to give to you (whether that's in the material or spiritual realm,) and at the same time, make sure that you are doing your fair share of giving to the relationship. If you are unattached but looking, when this card shows up, you are likely to meet someone new who is positive, kind, and generous. This may come about via an introduction from someone you know. Make sure you let people know that you are "looking" for a partner.

Finances: The 6 of Pentacles is a particularly good omen for financial questions. It doesn't point to windfalls like a lottery win, more like fiscal generosity that comes to you because you have worked your way into deserving it. More money is very likely to be coming your way. Equally, this shows a need for you to share what you have financially. What goes around, comes around.

Health: The appearance of this card points to an upward increase in your health and vitality. If you are dealing with serious illness already, this card points to a new and improved healing modality or healer coming into your life. This person or situation will be very helpful. Think positively and expect the best, and do not hesitate to ask for healthcare if you need it, regardless of your financial situation or insurance status. Help is always available.

Spirituality: This is a clear indicator that it's important to share your spiritual understandings with others. You may not realize it, but you already have important insights to share. Equally so, it tells you that you do not have a corner on ALL the truth, and that you would do well to make a point to learn from others about their spiritual understandings. In short, undertake dialogues, in whatever way you can; don't keep it all to yourself. Your life will deepen immeasurably if you reach out.


Introduction: The 6 of Pentacles reversed can mean that you are not aware of the potential sources of assistance that are available to you. You may be feeling like you can do everything on your own. This would be a mistake. Don't be too proud or too stubborn to allow others to help you.

General: The 6 of Pentacles reversed is still very often a card about generosity, but in this case, you may not be seeing the generosity available to you nor the capacity that you have to be generous to others. Open your eyes and realize that to not accept the help that is there for you is much like cutting off your nose to spite your face; also realize that there is much more to generosity than just giving money.

Work: It is important to be generous at work with your time, attention, and information when this card appears. This will make the work smoother (and happier) for you and for everyone concerned. Trying to keep work oriented things totally to and for yourself is a mistake now. Open up. Be friendly. Things are not as cutthroat as you may be thinking.

Love: If you are looking for love, you may need to open yourself up more. Sometimes we think we are open when in truth we are not. Yes, it's good to be independent, but taken to extremes this can alienate potential partners. If you are in a committed relationship that is not seeming to be going well, try giving more, instead of expecting more to be given to you.

Finances: The reversed 6 of Pentacles can mean that financial increase is available to you - but not in the way you expect. Look around you and consider other ways that you might be able to make more money. Should you start a business on the side? Can you cut down on your expenditures? Above all, if you need help, ask for it.

Health: When you recieve this card in the context of a health question, the answer is that you must be more open in order to improve your health. Also, it may in some cases be helpful to realize that "healing" and "cure" are not necessarily synonyms. Feel the healing energy all around you. It's there in every breath.

Spirituality: With the 6 of Pentacles reversed, humility is needed. No matter how long you've been studying and growing spiritually, there are still things to learn, no one human mind or spirit can know it all. Allow yourself to be humble, to fail, to learn. Being human and fallible is still beautiful.


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