Chapter 4

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When we got to Brians car, we noticed that there was a weird, crumpled up, yellow piece of paper taped to his hood. Brian picked it up and read it outloud:

We already Killed Mia, now were coming for your new girlfriend. 

"Brian, it;s probably just a joke or something" I said to him, I wasn't really that worried about the note

"Nah, This ain't a joke Hania...Its not a joke" Brian answered, 

He started crumpling up the piece of paper and you could tell he was angry, a few tears started down his face, but he whiped them away before I could see them, but I still saw them. He was about to throw away the paper, but I stopped him. 

"Brian, Brian STOP!" I yelled. 

He brought his arm down and turned to look at me, he was about to yell something at me but I stopped him...I kissed him. 

His lips were soft and they were just perfect, I couldn't describe them better. We finally stopped kissing after about 30 seconds and he looked at him, dierectly in the eyes, I didn't know if I was suppose to say something or not but I did. 

"Sorry" I said looking down to the ground. 

"Sorry for what" Brian asked, "That was amazing!, I haven't felt like that since the last I saw Mia" Brian added. 

"Oh" I said, I began to laugh. 

"We should go" Brian said, He unlocked his car. 

"Your right" I agreed and got into the car. 

We started driving and I couldnt stop thinking about what just happened. I kissed Brian!!

"Do you like me Brian?" I asked. 

"Do I like you?, of course I like you" He said. 

"Do you love me?" I asked, I was also laughing a little bit to. 

"Yeah, I think so,' Brian said. 'I love you and I think we were meant to be" He said

"Same" I agreed. 

We pulled into Dom's driveway and we just sat there, than Brian leaned in and kissed me, I loved how we could just kiss randomly and It felt normal. 

"So are we a couple now?" I asked, as we stopped kissing

"Ya we are" He answered, a long smile flew across his face. 

"Thats good, because I enjoy kissing you" I said, I leaned in for a kiss and our lips connected. 

Just than we heard someone walking towards the car, I was a bit scared but I didn't show it. 

"Why don't you two love birds come inside?" someone asked, the voice sounded familiar. 

I turned to see Meadow standind there with her hand on her left hip. 

"Ok" Brian and I answered at the same time, we were able to finish each others sentences. 

Meadow walked up the stairs and back into the hosue, when she did Brian and I burst out laughing. We got out of the car and walked up the stairs to the front door. When we came in it felt like everybody was staring at us. 

"Uhh, hi guys" I said. 

"Hi" they all answered at once. 

I sat down on the couch and Brian went to talk to Dom. 

"Hey Dom said you could spend the night here tonight" Brian said, kissing me on the forhead. 

"Ok what about Meadow?" I asked 

"Doms going to drive her home" Brian answered. 

"Ok and did you show Dom the note??" I asked. 

"Oh ya" he answered, getting up from the couch, he pulled it out of his pocket and handded it to Dom, who was now sitting on the other couch. 

Dom read it and you could see his facial expressions changing. 

"Ya we need to get out of her and get our team". Dom said. He stood up off the couch, "Im going to drive Meadow home and I will be back in a little while. 

"Ok" Brian and I answered at the same time. 

Dom and Meadow left and than it was just Brian and I. 

"So where do I sleep?" I asked, I was following Brian everywhere. 

"Well in Bedroom" He said while laughing. "Second room on the left" He added. 

"Ok," I answered. "Brian, I think you should shower" I added while laughing. 

He smelled his shirt, "Yay, I agree" He said. We both started laughing. 

I walked up the stairs and Brian was right behind me, he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, you could hear the water running, I went to the bedroom that was right beside the bathroom. I turned on the ligh and fell backwards onto the bed, I stared at the ceiling and thought about an awesome night I had, I loved Brian and I know he loved me. 

 Authors note:Sorry that this chapter s so short :/ next one will be longer :D

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