Chapter 6

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Hania's P.O.V:

I looked out the windiow of Brians car, I didnt know, why we were going for a drive, I was afraid he was breaking up with me, i was hoping not.

"So why are we taking this drive?" I asked.

"Well I needed to talk to you about something" Brian answered, he didnt look at me.

"Ok so tell me?" I said.

"Well did I ever tell you about Mia?" He asked.

"Meadow told me abiout her, but not much information" I answered.

"Oh well she was my girlfriend, she was beautiful," He said.

"She was killed and Dom and I are gathering a team and going down to where he is and going to kill him" Brian added.

"Wait so is  that the same guy that put that note on yyour car?" I asked, Now I was looking at him, he turned the corner and we were now on the highway.

"I think so" he said

"What did you do to make him so angry?" I asked him.

"Well that dosent really matter" I he answered.

"Ok" i answered, i acted cool abouit it but really i wanted to know what Brian did. Did he kill the other guys girlfriend? all these things were in my head, but i didnt know what one was true.

"So thats what we needed to talk about?" I asked.

"Well not exactly" he said.

"ok so just tell me" i laughed, it couldnt be bad.

"Well im going to be gone for a while to kill the guy that killed Mia right,?" he questioned me.

"Ya?" I answered, i raised an eyebrow.

"Well i dont want you to get hurt, so I dont want yuo too come with Dom and I." he said, he wouldnt look at me directly in  the eyes.

"Wait come on Brian, it cant be that dangwerous" I laughed.

"but it is Hania, this guy is going to have a team of his iown and he wants to kill you, remember the not." He said.

"Ok i cant go but Letty can?" I added i was stafrting to get frustrated.

"Letty has beenm doing this and racing with us forever, she knows how this is dangerous and life threatning" He said ,

"Fine  brian, but just to let you know, were going to be spending so much time together before you go and, then after, we will...i guess ...split up?" I quesatoned, a few tears came flowing down my face.

"Wait Hania, were not breaking up because i will be gone for a few weeks!" He yelled, he started crying and wiped away his tears.

"Well, how are suppose to keep in touch?" i asked.

"Well, right now im going to get you a cellphone" he smiled.

"oh really Brian"

"Thank you so much" I smiled and leaned to give him a hug while he was driving.

" I love you Hania" He said

"I love you too Brian" I answered.

We pulled into the cellphone place and found a nice slide phoen for me, we got back in the car and gheaded back to Doms place, I cant beleive i was thinking I was going to break up with Brian! I loved him so much.

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