Chapter 12: Dead or Not?

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He falls, but he never meets the ground. I caught him, I caught my prince.

You know how in fairy tales, the prince always catches their princess. Well in mine, the princess catches her prince. She's finally strong enough to change the story. Except my story can't end like this. The prince isn't suppose to die. But as I said, my story is different.

As I'm holding my mate in my lap, I remember a time when I thought princesses and princes weren't real.

"Mom!" I yell.

"Yes sweetie?" She replies in her sweet motherly voice that makes me feel safe.

"Dad told me princesses and princes aren't real!" I cry. I just finished watching a disney princess movie.

"I'll tell you this Sophia, you can either trust your dad or don't. Some people find their prince or princess or some people find someone but they aren't a prince or princess. You'll understand when you're older."

I understand now.

My mom never found her prince. Yes she did find my father but he was never a prince. My father was abusive most of the time, he wasn't loving.

Unlike my mother, I found a prince. He's loving, charming, handsome, kind, anything you would ever want for a husband. But now I'm losing him.

"Jackson," I whisper to him like he's my own child.

All I get for a reply is a faint groan only my wolf hearing could hear.

"Please don't die Jackson. I love you so much. Please don't leave our kids, they love you so much too. The pack loves you. We need you Jackson, you're our alpha. And my lovely mate and husband," I tell him.

Around us, the remaining werewolves and vampires gathered together.

He's almost gone, I hear Nathan tell me.

"Sophia," I can hardly hear him, "I never forgot you, I never forgot about Amanda and Juliet, about the pack, about anything. Sophia I love you so much, but if i die, please take care of the pack for me," he coughs and there's blood on his face now.

I watch as Jackson's eyes close and he takes his last breath.

A cold hand appears on my shoulder but I take no notice in it. I can't think straight anyway now. My heart literally feels like it's not there anymore. My soul died. I died on the inside. At least that's what it feels like.

"Come on, it's time to go," Nathan tries to drag me away from Jackson.

I really have no idea what happened but Phia took over and snapped at anyone who tried to get to Jackson. They eventually held me down but they should know better than to mess with a heart broken and pissed off moon goddess who just lost their mate. They should also know not to take their mate away from them.

Jackson was being dragged by two people. I chased after and when they saw me coming, whether it was the look in my eyes, or that the moon goddess was running at them, they tried to run.

I was greeted half way by Blaze, or I should say a spirit form of him.


That's all it took, I started licking his muzzle hoping he'd kiss me back, well wolf kiss. I can't believe that I can actually lick him because he's in spirit form but then again I'm the moon goddess and I still don't know all the things I can do.

He wolf kisses me back. We stay like that until he disappears. I guess that's the last time I'm going to see Jackson whether it's in wolf form or human form.

I walk very slowly to a tree and curl up against it. Phia starts whining obviously as heart broken as I am. People try to comfort me by petting me but I don't even acknowledge them. But one certain hand brings me back to reality.

I lift up my big wolf head and look to see...

Jackson? I exclaim.

Yes baby girl, I came back to you, the happiness fills my heart.

I shift back to a human and hug Jackson so tight trying to see if he is in fact real.

"Soph. Can't. Breath."

"Whoops, sorry," I blush, a little embarrassed.

He picks me up bridal style then says, "this part of your story isn't different. The prince always comes back for his princess."

"Wait you read my mind..." I ask slightly embarrassed.

"The whole pack heard but they understand because I was dying and you were too sad to care."

"Speaking of dying," I speak slowly to try to think of how he came back, "I thought you were dead..."

"Well I remember coming back as a ghost or whatever that was then you kissed me then I came back to my body and now here I am," he explains all in one sentence.

"True love can heal almost anything," I whisper more to myself than him,"my mom was right."

"True love," he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up," I slap him playfully while giggling like a little girl. He puts me back on the ground.

He starts tickling me, "I've missed you."

I can't reply because I'm laughing too much.

"Aw I guess you didn't miss me," he stops tickling me and gets up then walks away.

"Nooooo my prince! I love you so much and I've missed you so much!" I call out to him.

He takes a quick glance at me but continues to walk away.

I change into Phia and race after him. Once I catch up to him, I stop in front of him and bend down motioning for him to get on. He hesitates for only a second before climbing on.

I try to smile evilly but it's kinda hard to as a wolf so I just start running as fast as I can deeper into the woods with my prince on my back. I've rescued my prince. Happily ever after.

But not quite yet.


Sooooooooooo how'd u like that chapter? And im so very sorry i havent updated for a while.

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-Wolf Girl ❤️🐾

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