Chapter 16: Poisoned

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I wake up to see a veil of blue surrounded me. What the hell?

"Sorry, didn't know you'd wake up this early," Magnus is still using his serious voice. Whatever happened to me must have been bad for him to actually care about me.

"What happened?" I sit up slowly. My head is pounding so I rub my temples to see if that would work but it doesn't so I take in my surroundings. Well it's a small room that all I can see is black except for a window which there is light coming through it. I'm not sitting on a bed but rather I'm sitting on nothing and my head is strangely going through the blue mist.

"Faery poison," was all he said. I see bags under his eyes which indicate that he didn't get a lot of sleep or no sleep at all. His hair isn't spiked up like usual but instead a mess with hair going in all different directions. The only thing that doesn't look like a mess where his clothes which are like a dark blue color and his pants are black like dress pants.

"Wait I was poisoned?" At that news I was fully awake and jumped off the blue mist that was holding me and started pacing back and fourth, "but who would want to poison me? It's not like I pissed anyone off. Unless there was a faery at the meeting with the other pack."

"Quit your talking and lay back down. You're not fully recovered yet," Magnus glares at me but I just glare back at him.

"I am fully recovered when I say I am which right now I am fully recovered so I should be going to see Jackson right now," at the mention of his name, he barges right in and looks at Magnus accusingly.

"You took her from me," he growls, "why did you do that? And did you have to freeze me?"

"She was poisoned and I had to get it out of her but you wouldn't let me so I had to freeze you. At least you should be glad I didn't freeze you permanently."

"But I was venerable to the other pack and they could've killed me while I could do nothing about it," I hate it when I'm in the middle of an argument.

"Relax wolf boy, I put a protection charm over you so they couldn't hurt you," Magnus rolls his eyes like this happens all the time.

"Don't call me wolf boy!" Jackson is on the verge of changing.

Before Magnus could say something, I interrupt, "I'm pregnant!"

"What?!" Jackson looks at me shocked.

"Oh my god guys, no she's not. Well she was but I had to take the baby out of her so he wouldn't be affected by the poison," Magnus says like he done it before.

"He?" I whisper. "So you're saying that you took my baby out of me without my permission and he could probably die! And speaking of baby, we left Juliet at the hospital along with Amanda!" I say louder.

"Calm down before you hyperventilate and faint," Jackson rubs my arm soothingly which makes me calm down a little.

"Don't worry, you're baby boy is in really good hands and his as healthy as can be. Now Juliet and Amanda are still with the nurses and are perfectly safe, I can have someone go get them if you want." Magnus says which got me to completely calm down. Just knowing my family is safe is what calmed me down.

"Please, I want to see my baby girls," I say smiling at the memory of holding Juliet for the first time. She was so small and fragile.

"Baby, get some rest, you'll get to see our girls when you wake up," Jackson whispers in my ear.

I nod a little then walk over to the blue mist and lay down on it, "Magnus, why couldn't I have a real bed?"

"Because the blue mist was healing you. Now go to sleep," he smiles at me as he ushers Jackson out with him.

I close my eyes and sink into oblivion.

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