Chapter 19: Why Him

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Through all my anger, I hear a voice. Mate!

I know that voice. She's one of my friends. Wait, Olivia found her mate? Who?

I turn around to find Olivia. She should be easy to find because of her red hair. When I find her, she's staring at the woods like there's someone hiding in there. Well there probably is because why else would she yell mate.

A guy comes out. He's from a different pack. Jake is here?

I look at Olivia then Jake, then back to Olivia again. "Olivia," I say to get her attention.

"Mate..." is all she is able to say.

"Seize him," I hear Matt say. Two of his guys walk over to Jake and pushes him to the ground. Jake struggles a little and gets away from them but then five guys tackle him.

A brown wolf rushes past me. Another brown wolf intercepts her and they fight for a little bit but Olivia eventually loses.

Blaze walks up to stand next to me, he's about up to my shoulder. I reach out my hands to his head and ruffle the fur there. He closes his eyes and kinda leans against me. His fur is really soft. I kneel down so I can look into his eyes. I forget what's going on and kiss him. Even though he's a wolf right now, it's still a good kiss. But soon Phia takes over because she wants to be with Blaze.

Our moment didn't last long though, sharp claws grab my back and drag me. Blaze instantly comes to rescue me but he's too slow. Somehow my attacker is flown into a tree and I hear a yelp as he hits the ground. By now, everyone is fighting. I even see Magnus and that one guy that was with him on the balcony fighting. When I look at Magnus, he winks at me then starts fighting again with his magic. So he was the one that helped me.

Blaze rubs up against me to make sure I'm okay. I lick his head in short response before I go help with the fight.

The first thing I do is go rescue my children.

As if my evil twin can read my mind, she is already in her wolf form with Amanda tied around a tree and since my other two children aren't old enough to walk, they were laid on the ground. I growl furiously at my twin, I don't even want to remember her name, she's that non important to me. My mother and wolf instincts are battling inside me right now, but it gives off radiations of anger from me. My twin will die a slow and painful death.

We're both already in our fighting stances and both growling and snarling at each other. It's like looking into a mirror.

I take the first move but of course she charges at me too. It's a very heated battle; claws scratching, teeth biting, sounds of whimpers. The battle seemed like it was going on forever. The fighting around us ceased and some came to watch us fight. My twin makes a mistake though. She hesitates a little bit just enough for me to go for the killing bite. I don't kill her right then and there, as I said, slow and painful death. So I let her bleed out instead.

Nobody touch her, I command to everyone. Then I walk away to find Jackson.

As I was trying to find him, I kept getting sad looks from my pack. I think it was the fact that I just killed my twin but still, I killed someone before and they didn't look at me like that. But then I see why. Jackson, or I should say Blaze, was lying on the ground not moving.

What do you want us to do with your children? Someone mind links me but I don't hear them. Well I do, I just don't acknowledge them.

Jackson, my mate, could be dead. This fact made me freeze. I can't move. I can only stare at him. Then I see Jack's wolf walk over to him. I growl softly them lung at him and tackle him. I put my paw at his throat and slowly pushed down on it. He killed my mate! How could he?!

Let me explain, his desperate cries echo in my head.

My only response is to push down harder.

Matt did this. He's the one that killed Jackson. After I saw what he did, I attacked him and caught him off guard and it was just enough for me to kill him.

I jump off of him and look around for Matt's body to prove that what Jack said is correct. Sure enough, I see the body a couple feet away. So this means that Jack is now the waterfall pack's alpha. The fighting did stop but my pack is still nervous around them.

Jack is their alpha now guys, it's all right, I reassure my pack.

I get a couple nods in return.

I walk over to my mate. Why did he have to die? Why couldn't it of been me who died? I howl a long mournful howl. My pack and the other pack join me. The only odd people is Magnus and his lover.

I stop howling. Honestly, I feel nothing inside of me right now. My children are on my back now after Magnus helped them. How am I suppose to lead my pack without my mate? The only answer I can think of: Because I am strong enough to lead my pack, they might be alpha less, but they have the moon goddess.

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