Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

Layla led me to the room Ashley was in. And for the reward I gave her a peck on the lips. Then she left me looking dazed. I was stood in front of the door. I was nervous cuz’ I didn’t know what to expect. And I didn’t want to see Ashley hurt because of me. I was about to open the door when it suddenly flew open revealing Michelle. Her eyes were puffy red like she’s been crying all morning. I hugged her and she started sobbing on my shoulders. I patted her back, comforting her. Then I asked breaking away from the hug “How is she?”

“The doctor said she is in a coma. But her vital signs are okay. She lost a lot of blood due to the accident. She also received a hard blow on the head, but she’s going to be okay.” Michelle replied.

“She can hear us but she will not be able to respond to us. She also attained a large bruise on her right arm and she has two broken ribs.” She continued, her voice starting to shake.

“She has a broken arm, but what I hate the most is that her left leg was damaged severely. The doctors conducted an operation on putting a metal rod down the center of her thigh bone because she attained a femoral shaft fracture. They said it may take awhile before it healed completely. Or there’s a possibility that even if it healed she will not be able to run again. Because she might experience pain every time she runs.” Michelle stated losing control and her tears started to flow again.

Oh god! I groaned mentally.

This is gonna be hard for her!

“Don’t worry Michelle, it’ll be okay. Ashley is brave and strong. I said putting my hands on her shoulders to comfort her.

“Yeah I know but Ashley had been having a migraine these days because of the essay she’s been doing.” She said wiping away the tears from her eyes and looking at me.

The moment Michelle mentioned the English essay of Ashley, a pang of guilt shot through me. I hate myself for ruining that essay. I don’t deserve a sweet, loving and caring girl like Ashley. I know I’ve been causing her so much pain. I was the reason why Baby Ash is laying in that fucking hospital bed!

 Then I realized that Michelle was watching me with curious eyes making me cough.

“Umm, is there something wrong?” I asked her.

“Shouldn’t you be at school practicing for football?”

“Yeah but, as soon as you called me, I immediately set to come here. Because I wanted to know if Ashley was gonna be okay.”

“That’s very sweet of you.” She said smiling. “I’m just going to buy some food okay? And please take care of Ashley while I’m gone, okay?”Michelle added.

“Of course I will…” I said giving her a hug again.

When Michelle left, I just stood in the threshold nervous to see Ashley. I didn’t know what to expect. I slowly walked towards the bedside of Ashley, my whole body was shaking.

The moment I saw her, I stumbled backwards. The top of my baby’s head was encircled by a very large bandage. There was a cast on her left arm and her right arm was severely bruised. There were around 2 IV needles inserted at her right hand. Each I recognized as bags of blood and dextrose. Then an oxygen mask was placed on her face. But worse of all was her left leg. I can tell it’s been heavily casted because it had bandages all over it. I groaned loudly and slumped at the chair beside her bed.

“This is my entire fault!” I murmured. “If I only hadn’t ruined that stupid essay, this wouldn’t have happen!” I said out loud burying my face in my hands.

What will happen to Ashley if her left leg didn’t heal?!? She will be devastated. She will not be able to run again! Running was her passion. Ever since we were kids, we would always race with each other every morning and she would always win. If her leg didn’t heal, Ash will never be able to forgive me again!

“Oh god! What am I gonna do?” I whispered, raising my head to look at Ashley.



        So guy’s hope you like this chap. I know its abit short but it’s okay. The next chap will be up so just wait a little okay. And I promise it will be longer than this. And by the way the next chap will be Ashley’s POV. Cu’z this chap is all about Carl so I just thought if the nxt chap will be about Ash.


Don’t forget to vote. And please let me know what you think of my story. It really means a lot to me. CHOW!!!!!!




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