Chapter 8: part 2:

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The song for this chapter is entitled Right Back in the Water by Jesse McCartney 

So hope you like it



Chapter 8:

Part 2:

But Kevin and Clark didn’t seem to be intimated by the things I’ve recently stated!

“OUCH! That hurts! Why did you use such harsh words for?”Kevin said faking hurt.

“Don’t listen to what she says, cuz it’s not true.”Clark whispered a little bit louder so that I can perfectly hear him. This caused the girl to giggle more.

If looks can kill, I would probably be dead already because the nurses were shooting daggers at me. But as usual, like the old times I just ignore them. But this only made me more irritated at Clark and Kevin. So instead of dragging them by their arms, I reached for their ears and pinched them so hard that I was sure it was going to bleed.

I drag them towards the elevator; the other boys followed us from behind. Kevin and Clark were crying with pain. When I finally released them both, they immediately rubbed their reddened ears making me smirk at the sight of them. They looked like 4 year old kids rubbing and wailing about their sore ears.

Then Clark said. “What the hell was that for? You could have just dragged us by our arms you know. You know that we were just playing around. Now our ears hurt like hell! Maybe next time you should let us try it on you so that you would also experience the pain of being pinched in the ear.” Kevin said sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes at them as my reply and turned away from the both of them because I was afraid that I might snap at them and say something I know I will regret later on. Mark was about to press the elevator’s button when Seth suddenly said “Hey guys check this out. It says; SORRY THIS ELEVATOR IS OUT OF ORDER!!” all the boys turned to stare at me.

“What?  I didn’t know it’s broken!” I said.

“Yeah right, of course you wouldn’t know.” Seth said

“What are we going to do now?” Aiden said leaning against the wall, setting down the bags he was carrying.

“Well one of us must go back to the reception area and ask the nearest elevator aside from this crap.” I said matter-of-factly.

All the boys volunteered to go but I only picked Brad because I knew that he will not be flirting around even though he is one smoking hot guy. We waited at the corridor for Brad to arrive with Mark sitting beside me. After a few minutes he arrives looking blankly at us. Great! Something’s wrong!

“Well…” Brad started.

“Well what?”

“Well the nurse said that this elevator is the only one near around here. If we want we could use the elevator but the problem is it’s on the other side of the building.”

“How far is it from here to there?” I asked.

“Well the nurses said we need to go around this building which will be a big problem cuz this place is so huge. After that we still need to go to the very end of the next building to be able to use the elevator. So in short it will take us a lot of time to be able to get to Ashley’s room.”Brad said casually.

Brad can be so annoying sometimes. At times like this we are in such great hurry and yet he seemed to take things more calmly than he should!

“So what’s plan B then?”Ron asks looking straight at me.

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