Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:


“She got hit by a van.” I said to them.

What?” asked Alice.

“I said she got hit by a van.” I repeated.

“Yes I heard you the first time, IDIOT!!” Alice hissed.

By this time my team mates had gotten quiet and were looking at me and Alice. I asked raising one eyebrow “Then why do I have to repeat it?”

“Because I was just wondering, where were you when she got hit by the fucking van?” Alice questioned me, shaking.

“Well as I remember it,” I started “I was with you and Kev, Clark and Aiden. You were lecturing me about Ashley.” I reminded her.

“Yeah well, why didn’t you even follow her after I said those things?!” Alice yelled standing up.

 Now I come to think about it. Damn it Carl! Why didn’t you even follow her?! Alice suddenly came in front of me, tears flowing from her eyes.

“Are you really Ashley’s best friend?” she asked for the second time this day.

“Yes…” I said sadly.

“Then why did you let this happen to her?!” Alice said bringing her fist into my chest, banging them ferociously.

 I just stood there letting Alice bang her fists onto my chest. Letting her hit me until she can no longer raise her hands because of the pain. This pain that Alice was giving me right now was nothing compared to what I felt.

The pain I’m feeling right now is so painful, that it is almost killing me. Every memory that I had involving Ashley was flooding my mind now. Starting from when we were still kids. The simple things Ash had been doing all those years that I barely acknowledge.

The look in her eyes every time I got hurt, telling me how much she cared for me. The feeling of jealousy every time I see her with other guys. The feeling of wanting to kill the person that makes my baby cry. The way my heart skips a bit whenever I see her angelic smile.

The way she says my name. It was like music in my ears. The way she makes me happy whenever I lose a game or when something didn’t go right. The way she would always cheer for me in every game. And after every game she would always run up to me and gives me a bear hug, even though I’m all sweaty.

Win or lose she had been always there for me. The way my heart beats wildly by just watching her sleep.

She always knew if I was lying or not: whether if I was hiding something from her. Ashley knew me too well. She always knew if I had a problem, without me even telling her!

 After all this time, I didn’t know that I was secretly in love with my best friend without me even realizing it! And if not because of the accident, I wouldn’t have been able to realize that my heart had been beating only for Ashley for almost 14 years! That I was secretly and madly in love with my Baby! Damn you Carl! How could you have been so blind and deaf all this time!!!

My heart is aching so much for Ashley. The first time I saw her when we visited their house, the feeling of wanting to protect her stirs within me. She looked so frail and vulnerable at that time. From that moment on I vowed to protect her all my life. But I’ve failed to keep my promise.

 Because now I was standing in a hospital room, staring at my baby lying on that hospital bed. And because of me there’s a 50% of possibility that she will not be able to run again!

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