Chapter 6.

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I heard Louis and Hope laughing hysterically in the living room. They were watching something on the Telly.

I love her laugh. "I'm going to the loo." I heard Louis say.

There was a sudden pounding on the door. I dropped my spatula and walked towards it. Before I could reach the door handle, it swung open. A man with dark eyes, dark hair, and tan skin was standing there. He was about 6'4' and was very built.

He reeked of alcohol. I waved to him. He slammed me into the wall and started towards Hope. "Hope." He grunted as he sprinted towards her.

"Dad?" She croaked. He grabbed her by her throat and slammed her against the wall. I ran over. "Get the hell off of her." I sputtered. He turned to me and slapped my jaw. "Not your business, faggot." He said. He slid her up the wall, still gripping her neck. "Your mom wants a divorce. She filed today and it's all your fault, you little bitch!" He yelled. She smiled.

"What's your problem. Apologize now! And tell your mom you don't want her to divorce me." He yelled at her. She smiled again and spat in his face. He got angry. He tightened his grip around her neck." I pulled myself off the ground. I thought for a moment, and kicked him, as hard as I could in the bum. It didn't even phase him. He dropped Hope and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the wall.

He then grabbed my neck and held me on the wall. The same way he did to Hope. "DAD! STOP!" Hope screamed. He ignored her and punched my nose. I started bleeding. "You my daughter's boyfriend?" He asked angrily. "No sir. But I will protect her either way. You need to get the hell out of here and get sober." I stated. He punched me again, this time in the jaw. I gripped my jaw and winced in pain. That shit hurt.

Hope started crying. "Please. Do whatever you want to me. Just please don't hurt him!" She yelled. Her dad began to laugh, he dropped me on the ground and climbed over to her. "Come over here, bastard!" I yelled at him, to make him leave Hope alone. He ignored me and grabbed Hope, dragging her into the empty room next to us. I followed over to the door. Banging on it.

I heard screams and Hope's crying. I punched the wall in anger. She's hurt and I can't fucking help her. About ten seconds later, the door swung open and the man skipped out. He was laughing. He grabbed my neck and pushed me into the wall. "Call the cops, and I will end her fucking life. I'm not scared to. I will slit her throat while she is sleeping." He said, and dropped me to the ground. I started trying to breathe again, an he kicked me in the balls, hard. "Ah." I screamed in pain.

He left the house and I crawled over to Hope. She was on the floor balling her eyes out. She had a black eye, her nose was bleeding and she had fingerprints on her arm, like he had body slammed her. "Oh my god! what happened to you? I'll call the cops." Lou said.

"No!" We both screamed at the same time. "He said if I called the cops, he would kill Hope." I said. Louis dropped the phone. Hope crawled over to her bed. Too much in pain to climb up on it. I got up, ignoring my pain, picked her up, bridal style and laid her on her bed. I kissed her forehead.

Her phone buzzed repeatedly on the table and showed her the message. I gave her a look, waiting for a reply. "My brother isn't coming till tomorrow morning, neither is my mom or sister." She said. "I'm sorry about him, he does that alot. You don't have to stay. You're off the hook." She finished.

"No!" I said sternly. "I'm staying with you. And wait, he does it alot? Your dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, ever since I was little." She replied and began to cry. I pulled the covers up and climbed into bed with her, cuddling her as softly as humanly possible.

"I'll never let him hurt you. Ever again. He will have to fucking kill me, to lay a hand on you." I whispered to her.

"Harry, you don't have to. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. I understand if you want to leave." She told me. "Never. Ever. Until you tell me to go." I whispered. She smiled and I stroked her hair as she drifted off to sleep.

Just one.- Harry styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now