Chapter 15

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August 20th, 2011

Love is a funny thing... Loving someone, and falling in love with someone are totally different..

It's when they're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they're the first thing you think of when you wake up, the feeling that warms your heart and leaves you overcome by a smile. It's the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them.

Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense,and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love.

Over the past year, I've fallen in love with someone I never any way expected to fall in love with.

I never thought I could fall in love. I never thought I could handle trying to please someone all the time.

But that's not what love is. It's not all about pleasing someone else. That's an important part, yes. But it's also about truly feeling an overcoming awareness that you, for the first time in your life, will put someone else before you. That you will take a bullet for them at any moment.

I never used to be romantic. Not one bit. I couldn't care less, what people thought of me, and who liked me or who didn't. I never cared at all, I still don't.

The only people's opinion I care about are Harry and Cher. That's it. I love them. I love them both with all my heart. But it's a totally different kind of love.

I love Cher. I love her in a bestfriend/sister way. I love her for being my best friend all through grade school, and being there for me, whenever I needed her. At any time. She was always there.

I love harry. I love him in a completely different way. I would take a bullet for either of them, Harry or Cher at any moment they ever asked me to. Ever. But, my love for Harry is completely different. Totally. I can't even explain my feelings for Harry. Words can't describe it. I just don't exactly know how to put it into words. All I have to say is, I love him. Alot. He's always there for me. At anytime I've ever needed him to be. He's always got someway to make me happy. He can sing to me, cook for me, anything.

I'm glad I have him, though. I burn water. But Harry can cook like a master chef. Anytime I ask him. He will get up, walk right to the kitchen and start cooking it for me.

He knows what I want, before I even get it out of my mouth. He will know, just by my tone of voice, that I want him to sing to me.

I'm sure that somehow, Harry will read this. Because He's nosy like that. Or, he may simply read this by accident. Either way Haz, I just want you to know, that everything in here is 110% true.

I believe that in any relationship you will ever have, with anyone, you have to fight. If you don't fight, you don't really love each other. I don't fight with Harry much, but when we do, it normally ends quickly and we're right back to normal.

If you truly love someone, you can't stand to be without them. At any time. Ever. And when you are without them, you're thinking about them, 24 hours of the day. With a smile on your face.

You can't go without talking for long.

Like, if you're in a fight, and you really love them, you will at some point, forgive them because you can't stand being without each other.

Once, Harry and I tried to see how long we could go without talking.

It lasted ten minutes. All I know is....

I love harry. And I'm glad he loves me too.

My hand hurts.

Bye bitch!

-Hope valllyintinneee.

I closed my journal, stuffed it under the pillow and walked out of the bedroom.

Harry was sitting at the bar, sipping on tea and reading a magazine, it was titled MUSIC TODAY.

"Morning, love." He smiled, putting down the magazine.

"Morning." I replied with a toothy grin.

"Oh, your mum called. She's having a great time in the states." He told me, pecking my forehead.

"Great." I sighed. I was still mad at her. But not as mad as I used to be. She apologized to me. Claiming that she was drunk. I forgave her. But I never forgot what happened that night.

"Yeah, lets watch bambi!" I yelled at Harry.

He smiled and popped in the disc, as the bell rang.

"I'll get it." I said, pushing myself off of Harry's comfortable leather couch and prancing towards the door.

I opened the door and saw familiar blue eyes and caramel brown hair.


"Yes love. It's me."

I stood in shock as she smiled at me. "May I come in?" She asked happily.

My mouth quivered for the correct words to say.

"Yes." Harry yelled from the hallway, making his way towards the door.

Charlotte stepped into the house and took a seat at the bar as Harry began making her tea.

"Hope, darling. I came here to speak with you." She said, grabbing my hand and smiling widely. I looked over at Harry, biting my lip nervously. He gave me a reassuring nod and smile.

I turned to my mother. "Okay, go ahead." I sighed.

"I just wanted to apologize for the fight that we had a couple of nights ago." I sighed and finally smiled. "It's fine. I forgive you. But I'm staying here to live with Harry." I told her.

She nodded quickly. "Okay. That's fine. You're welcome at home anytime you want. Claire and Cody miss you, dearly."

"Okay. I'll see you soon mum. Bye now." I said, waving her away and pushing her out the door.

"Come on. You have to forgive her. It's been, what, 8 months? She said sorry. Just forgive her." He asked.

"Fine. I'll call her back. But you owe me." I said with a laugh. He passed me his mobile phone and I began dialing her number.


"Hi love."


"How are you?"

"Great. How about you?"


There was an awkward silence.

"I was just calling to check up on you and Harry."

"Oh. Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for calling."

" I Love you"

"Love you too, mum."


I hung up the phone and smiled to harry. "I did it, curly."

"Thanks, beautiful." Harry grinned.

I looked over at Harry, stunned. "What? How could you say that at eleven in the morning? I look a mess." I said.

It was true. My thin brown hair was tied up in a messy bun on my head, I had on black soffe shorts, rolled over at the waistline three times. I had a old blue Rolling Stones t-shirt and I had on black reebok socks.

I really did look a mess. I didn't even brush my hair yet. "Yeah, a hot mess." Harry winked. I couldn't help but laugh. "You're still beautiful at eleven in the morning!" Harry said, "even if you haven't even brushed your hair or teeth yet."

"I have too brushed my teeth!" I said childishly crossing my arms, faking anger. Harry just laughed and went back to his magazine.

"I'm going out, okay?" I told harry, pecking his cheek. He nodded and smiled at me, as I walked up the stairs to our bedroom to change.

I pulled out my phone to text Cher.

To:Ma bitch.

Hey Girly, what you doing today?

I set my phone onto the bed and began tidying myself.

I washed my face and put on some cherry lip gloss. My phone vibrated on the bed.

From: Ma bitch

Not much. Wanna hang out?

To:Ma bitch.

Sure, I was going to ask that. Lol. So, how about Eddie's in twenty?

From:Ma bitch.

Sounds great. See you then.

I took my hair out of the messy bun and brushed it out. It looked okay today. Not too bad.

I slipped on my ugg boots and some blue trousers. I put on a cream colored shirt with three buttons on top, left unbuttoned.

I picked up Harry's gray beanie off the bed and placed it on my brown straight hair, pulling just the perfect amount of hair out the front of it.

I put on Harry's plaid button up, leaving it unbuttoned as well. (the shirt Harry was wearing in the Little Things video)

I walked past the loo, trying to remember if I brushed my teeth or not.

"I think I did...." I mumbled to myself. Whatever i'll just do it again.

I walked into the loo brushed my teeth, and quickly paced down the stairs, noticing Harry still sitting in the same position he was about 10 minutes ago.

"Bye." I said, heading to the door. "Uh, Love? I believe you're forgetting something." He laughed. I sighed and walked towards him, softly kissing him. "Bye now." I waved as he gave me a cheeky grin.


I walked into the coffee shop and Cher was already seated at the booth with a smile. "Hey, sorry I'm late." I sighed, setting my bag down on the seat, tucking my keys away inside.

"So. How've you been? I haven't seen you in a couple of days." I asked, starting a conversation.

"Fine. I'm fighting with Louis." She sighed. I was shocked. Cher and Louis fought about as much as Harry and I did. Which was, rarely ever. "What happened, love?"

"Well, he was being really overprotective. He wouldn't even let me get my own plate. He's been doing everything for me, and crowding me. I just can't stand it! I told him I need a break for a couple of days, and he got his knickers in a twist." Cher said.

I laughed. "Good old, lou. He'll come around. Just let him be for a couple of days." I smiled reassuringly.

She merely smiled as we sat in comfortable silence. "How come the waitresses haven't spoke with us yet? I want some tea!" I said, breaking the silence. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe one of us should walk up there and order at the register." Cher smiled.

"Uh, yeah. I'll go. Give me a second." I said, pushing myself off the cold white booth bench, walking towards the counter.

There was a woman standing behind the counter, wearing a dark green shirt, dark trousers, and an apron. "How can I help, love?" She asked cheerfully. Her nameplate said 'Kate'

"Um, I was wondering if I could just get a tea with one cup of milk and a coffee with two sugars and a cream." I smiled. She nodded and headed towards the back as I propped myself up on one of the barstools.

"Hello." Said a voice from behind me. I spun the stool around and noticed a tall boy, about six feet. He had on a black polo shirt, red chinos and gray vans. His hair was styled into a quiff and he had hazel eyes.

"Uh, hi. Do I- uh, know you?" I asked, attempting to be polite. I didn't know how well it was working out. "No, you just look quite bored. So, what's your name?" He asked. I looked over at Cher, typing away on her mobile phone.

"Uh, my friend is over there. I can't exactly leave her. I'm just waiting for my coffee." I replied, still trying to be polite. He smiled, showing off his white teeth. "You could at least speak for a moment. While you wait for your coffee?" He said with a cheeky grin.

"Um, okay. So what's your name?" I asked, plastering a fake smile on my face. "I'm Graham, And you, Love?" He questioned.

"Uh, Hope." I said with a smile. "So, come here often?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I live just up the street with my boyfriend." I hinted, hoping that he would leave me alone.

"Cool. What's his name?" He asked me. I thought for a moment. Was he testing me? Did he think I was lying about Harry? Arsehole. "Harry." I said.

"Oh, curly? We all used to go to school together. Remember? I used to copy your notes. You are so smart." He said.

I have no clue who he is.... "Oh yeah! I remember you! Mr. Peter's third block! I used to skip all the time with Harry. And thank you" I lied. I didn't mind him as much anymore, since he seemed to know me. I still have no idea who he is though.

"Anytime. So me, you and Harry should all get together sometime!" He suggested. I smiled, "uh, sure."

"Here, let me give you my number." He said, taking my mobile off the table and punching in his number.

"Your coffee and tea, hon." Said a familiar voice. My head snapped around and noticed Kate, handing me my coffee. "Thanks." I said, taking the cups and waving off Graham.

I took a seat at the table. "Hey, I saw you with that hottie over there!" Cher wiggled her eyebrows around.

"Cher, he's an old mate of me and Harry's from school." I stated seriously. She kept joking around. "Okay, whatever you say. He was hot." Cher giggled. I almost spat out my tea, "Cher, I have a boyfriend. And so do you."

"Yeah, but just cause you're broke, doesn't mean you can't go into a store and look, just as long as you don't buy." Cher told me. She actually made sense for the first time ever. "Cher, you just made sense while trying to sound smart!" I laughed as she took a sip of her coffee. "Bitch." She mumbled.



"Be right back." Hope said, walking away, leaving me with Cher.

I looked over at her. She was typing away madly at her phone.

"Uh, cher. Do you think you can have a normal conversation." I asked her, tapping on the mobile screen.

She locked it and dropped it to the floor. "Sorry. She said, adjusting herself, pushing her back farther onto the couch. "So, how was your day?" She asked.

"Pretty normal. Except, I went to the market today, to buy Lou some carrots. I was singing, as I was walking down the aisle. This like forty year old guy stopped me and told me I should audition for a singing group. It was quite weird." I said, with a nervous smile. Cher chuckled. "You should. You were in white Eskimo in school, remember?"

"How could I forget?" I laughed.

The laughing died down, and there was awkward silence.

"So, uh. What about you. How was you and Hope's day?"I asked Cher.

"A bit weird. A guy came up to us in Eddie's, claiming he knew you an Hope from school. But he looked so unfamiliar. His name was Graham. Do you remember anyone by that name?" She asked me. I scoured my brain, trying to remember. But, there was no one names Graham that I could ever remember being friends with, or ever speaking with. Holmes Chapel Comprehensive school, was small. It wasnt huge. About 1300 students went there. Everyone knew everyone in our year.

"No, no one." I finally sighed.

"Oh, well, Hope and Graham exchanged phone numbers, so maybe you can remember him later, when you see his face." Cher said.

"Oka- wait what? Say that again." I said. Cher gave me a weird look and repeated herself. "Hope and Graham exchanged phone numbers, so maybe you can remember him later, when you see his face"

It made me angry that she did that when I wasn't there. As if on cue, the phone next to my leg vibrated. Hope'a phone.

From: Graham

Hey. So, what's up? Wanna hang out?

I felt anger build up inside of me. "What the hell is this?" I asked Cher, showing her the message preview in the lock screen. Cher opened her mouth.

"Harry, I thought you were getting popc-" hope started as he walked into the room.

"Who the bloody hell is Graham?" I asked bitterly. She gave me a confused look."you don't know who he is?' She asked, obviously confused.

"No, BUT YOU DO?" I yelled angrily.

"Whoa there, chill out. He's just-" hope started again.

"NO HOPE! you chill! Seriously, what are you doing talking to random, creepy guys?" I asked her.

Her mouth dropped open. "What, so now I'm not allowed to talk to any guys ever,but you?" She asked. I sat there in waited for her to answer, completely ignoring her question.

"Answer me! Now! Are you cheating on me?" I said.

Her mouth dropped open. "Cheating on you? Wha- you know what?Whatever. I'm out of here. I'm moving back in with mum." Hope said and started off towards the room.

"Maybe I should gooo..." Cher sighed awkwardly and headed towards the door. I punched the wall as hard as I could. "Maybe you should."

She walked out the door as I slowly headed into my room.

"Hope, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Any of that. I'm sorry." I said. She sighed and walked towards the door. "Harry, it doesn't matter. You still said it. I wasn't even cheating on you. He was some creepy guy who claimed to know me and you. I never flirted with him! Actually, the first thing out of my mouth was that I had a boyfriend. So stop jumping to conclusions, Harold!" She yelled. Oh shit. I know I'm in trouble when she calls me Harold.

"Take this piece of shit!" She said throwing the beanie on the ground. "And this too!" She took off my button up and threw it down. "Screw you, styles! Screw you!" She yelled and stomped out the door.

"Good job Harry. You did it again. Stupid piece of rubbish." I told myself and punched the wall again. I slammed myself onto my bed and punched the pillow, multiple times. "Idiot!" I yelled at myself, smacking the pillow again.

I felt warm tears stroll down my cheeks as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Hi children! I hope you liked this!

I used the whole idea of 'Graham' from kpc822.

I have her permission! You should follow her an check out her story.

She's amazing.


Did you like this chapter?

More where that came from, beautifuls.

Bye now (:


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