Chapter 1.

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"Hope, wake up. Come on, get up. Seriously. It's three o'clock."

I rolled over and took in the bright rays of the sun peeking in through my window. Ugh. Can I just go back to bed?

I looked over, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

"Cher! Get out. It's too early!" I yelled, tossing a pillow at her.

"It's three o'clock." She replied, smiling. "That's eaaarrly." I whined back.

"Who let you in anyways ?" I asked

"No one, i just walked in." She laughed. "Like usual." I grinned.

I rolled back over, preparing to go back to sleep. "Oh no you dont." Cher laughed and ripped the covers off me.

"You're going to die !" I yelled, jumped off the bed and chased her down the hallway.

My hallway wasnt very large. I didn't have a huge house. Two stories, very slender.

I lived in a small neighborhood in East Cheshire called Holmes chapel. I've lived here all my life.

Yes, it's a small town, but I love it. I always have.

I live here with my mum, my older brother, Cody, my younger sister Claire, and my tabby cat, whiskers.

Yes, I know. Very cliché name. I was 7. I was more naïve then.

Dad's the missing piece of the puzzle. He's in and out of the picture and at this very moment, he's out. It's obvious he's sleeping with 25 year olds somewhere in downtown London. Mum knows it too. She's too scared to divorce him though because he's abusive and when he's drunk-which is mostly everyday- you never know what he will do.

But anyways.

Now, I'm 17. My birthday is in February. Now that it's, June, I have a while to go.

We got to the bottom of the steps and I pulled out a barstool to sit on. Cher walked over to the fridge. We've been bestfriends since we were 6, so we pretty much live at each other's houses. We just walk in without knocking and grab food.

"Afternoon girls." Cody said, walking into the room.

"Morning." I replied, wiping my eyes.

"Oh, she is so lazy." Cody said.

"Tell me about it." Cher looked to my brother and responded jokingly.

"What are you girls doing for the rest of the day?" He asked.

I looked over at cher. "Im, not sure yet. What do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I kind of want to go to the shops today I have a date with Tyler on friday, I need new shoes. Want to go?" Cher asked, popping a grape into her mouth.

I pulled the bowl of grapes in front of me and stuffed them in my mouth.

"Uh, sure." I replied.

"Hope, you should totally go on the date with me. Apparently Tyler is bringing his really good friend Zayn. He seems really hot." Cher said.

Cody's ears perked up. "Date ?" He asked. "With my little sister ? No. I don't even know this kid."

"Yeah, I don't want to go anyways, I'm not ready to date anyone since what happened with Chris." I said.

"Oh, come on. That was almost a year ago!" Cher replied.

"Cher, I just don't want to go. Okay?" I said, getting defensive.

Just one.- Harry styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now