Northern Watchers

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Alex shivered. More than a week had passed, and they were now in a much colder climate. Though it hadn't snowed yet, there were obvious traces of it. Pines and other large furs bordered them on all sides.

The good news was that the monsters were easier to track. The hunters were using an ancient road that lead through the forest. The monsters had to be using it, too. If they had tried to cut through the forest, large portions of it would be trampled down. They had to be following the road.

Alex fell back to Jack, who was talking with Jon. They were busily consulting a map.

"How's it going, boys?" she inquired.

Both of them looked up at her. "Oh great," replied Jack. "We're just taking notes." At Alex's quizzical look, he added, "We're gonna be back up in the area soon." Alex nodded.

"Because Steve is going to kill the Ender Dragon," Alex finished.

"Yeah," Jack confirmed. "You know, I didn't tell you this at first because we didn't know if Steve was alive or not, and then when I found out how you were, I figured it would be kinda awkward, but," he paused and sighed, "we thought that Steve was the One described by your prophecy."

"My what?" Alex asked, thinking. Suddenly, she remembered. "Oh, yeah! That one. The one with the rhyming thing." Jack nodded eagerly. "Well, if you've told the truth about this Steve character, I say he fits my description pretty accurately. Plus, I actually didn't completely prophesize, per say."

"What do you mean?" asked Jack.

"You see, I had heard rumors that Notch had a son," explained Alex. "So, I took the remaining descriptions of Notch and his brother Herobrine and kind of melded them. Throw in some diamond stuff, which is pretty rare, especially when you enchant it, and you've got a dragon slayer."

Jack nodded at this. "But you're saying it could be Steve, also."

"Oh, yeah," replied Alex. "I have a feeling it's exactly who I meant."

"You know, you look stunning in that parka," Jon piped up. He had been silent the whole time, staring at Alex, who was now wearing a parka over her clothes. She had tied her hair into two braids, one that went down each shoulder.

"Well, thank you, that's really sweet, but..." Alex stammered.

"She wants you to knock it off," said Lucas, who seemed to have materialized out of nowhere. He looked more dark and mysterious than ever, as he had taken the black cloak that had belonged to that thing, and when the cold had set in, he started wearing it. The cowl almost completely covered his face, just leaving his mouth, nose and the tips of his hair visible. More than anything, Alex had picked up that he now had a fiery determination to get his bow back. Jack had told her a few stories about how long that bow had belonged to Lucas. Alex could relate.

"Sorry," Jon apologized. He appeared to sincerely mean it. Even though it wasn't optimal, at least him crushing on her made him clean up his act a little. When she was near, he stood a little straighter and didn't swear. "I don't know what's wrong with my gravelus filled brain some days," he continued.

Well, he mostly didn't swear.

"Well then," Lucas said. "Back to work." Something was definitely off with Lucas. To Alex, he was clearly beating himself up over falling for that witch's tricks. Though, to be fair, he kind of fell for it the least.

At Jack's urging, he had let the rest of the cultists run free, albeit with no possessions. And into the desert. Jack had been pretty distraught himself. For one thing, he thought only th monsters should be killed. He was also fairly distressed to learn that Amos had killed Tori, though that was eased a little when he learned she was about to kill Lucas and Alex.

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