Chapter Six

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You know how in Movies and television shows when spying, they wore black? Well, not us. Me and Jessica looked like snow angels. Both of us had our hair in a white beanie, we had white jeggings and white sweatshirts on. Booya. It was actually sort of hard to get a good look at his house, because there were a few girls out front of it. All on their Iphones. "Harry please come out!" One of them says. I smirk a little. I walk up to them. "Kate what are you doing?! Stop!" Jessica hisses to me , grabbing my arm. "Jessica stop! I have a plan! Bear with me." I pull my arm away from hers and walk up to the teenagers. Three of the five were older, and look more stuck up. Typing feverishly on their pink decorated iphones. Probably talking about the two girls across from them. They looked about fourteen and weren't as pretty or dressed as fancy as the older ones. I, myself, admired that.

"Hey ladies! Waiting for Harry?" I question. One of the prettier girls looks up. "Psh yeah, i guess. But its like, dang, you would think he'd come out by now." Her attitude changes when she sees I'm older and as attractive as them. "Well I hope you know he went to London today. So hes not coming out anytime soon." Jessica hits my arm. "Kate!!"

The older girl with the bushy eyebrows gaps. "I soooo told you guys! All the update accounts were already saying it i cannot believe we waited out all this night. I'm telling my mum to pick us up at Georgies." She was definitely the leader of the pack. The younger girls slouch and one of them starts getting teary. Bingo.


Once Harry was away, that gave us a good advantage. The house (mansion) was decently large and it would take us awhile to get in and see everything. That's why we had Garret. Well, his sister. She had made a complete set of the house with Malcolm on Skype. All we had to do was make it to the roof and see where Harry's room was exactly.

Harry's house was out of town, but not too far. And luckily, he was off a sort of hidden road and not the main one. Not many cars, so we could get up there now.

I wish we had Malcolm with us. He had went to get a rental car. He would know exactly where it was at. With his picture brain.

Garret walks over with a ladder to the side of the house. There were two windows at the top, so we put the ladder between them. Something I loved about this house was that the roof was flat. It's really cool looking.

I see Jessica shaking a little. Out of nervousness, of course. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Jessica. It's fine." I smile at her and her mouth curves a little.

I start to climb the ladder and Garret holds the bottom. I was terrified of climbing ladders. They were really unstable. So this was definitely new to me.

I make it top of the ladder, it was a little short so you had to grab the top of the house and pull yourself up. I squeeze my eyes shut and make it to the top, opening my eyes in glory. I freeze. The roof was Plexiglas. (About 1/4 of It, but it was a big roof) And there was a worker right below me.

I can tell Jessica's about to pull herself up. "Abort abort!" I call leaning over the top. "Jessica go back down! The roof is Plexiglas!" She automatically starts climbing down. I carefully put my leg on the ladder and go back down. "A bit of the roof I Plexiglas. I think it's some random room. But there was a worker in it. We can't do this today Garret." I was really irritated right now. Plans equal ruined.

"Man! I wish I could've seen the inside! Was it nice?!" Jessica pouts while Garret puts the ladder in the back of his truck. "It was ok. I'm not really sure what that room was. It was just random stuff. And why would you have a glass roof? That must be super annoying." I complain. Today sucked. It wasn't even half way done yet.


It was about seven o clock now. Something even more horrible happened. On the way back from Harry's, I guess, via Jessica's twitter, Elyzabeth was seen with a ring. Some people were saying that they saw that ring on some online shops. But it seems pretty coincidental that she's seen with one. Everything planned was ruined. So that meant we had to choose another idea. And create a whole new plan.

I didn't feel like doing anything. I was so upset. Besides me, Malcolm was really upset. (He didn't really show it but he was pissed.) It took him awhile to do everything on project Harry. He was downstairs with Garret's brother and sister, Dominic and Linda, I think trying to think of something else. Even though that was my job. This whole thing was my job. My fault. Putting me in the worse place.

I laid on the scratchy bed in me and Jessica's room. Looking at the texturized ceiling. I had my hands at my side balled in a fist. I haven't cried since my mom died. (Besides when I'm on my period, but does that count?) I fought the tears before they came. Like I always did.

The bedroom door opens and in comes Garret. He coughs and I sat up, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Hi." I say fixing the crew neck And leggings I changed into when we got back.

He coughs, "Hi." He sits at the end of the bed. "So are you ok?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows. I flush red in embarrassment. "Yeah of course." I nod.

He looks at me and starts to leans in, hesitating when he puts his hand on my flushed cheek. Then he pushes his lips on mine, only he's the only one kissing, I'm in shock. I wanted this before but i told myself, no. I kiss back for a second, but it didn't feel right. He pulls off and looks at me curiously. "Is this okay?" He asks. I swallow and furrow my eyebrows. "Umm yeah, I'm going to go out." I grab my swing on bag and slip on my boots quickly. "Wait- Kate!" He says as I head downstairs. "Malcolm the keys?" I ask as he searches through his pocket and tosses them to me. "Everything o-" he starts to question. "Yup." I say shutting the door and walking to the car. I slip in and pull out.

I get to about the end of the street and pull over at the side searching for some bars or clubs somewhere. I mean we're in England so you don't have to be twenty one.


I get to this bar that was basically empty. It was really in the middle of no-where. Maybe on some back road. I pull out the keys thinking about my call with my dad earlier. He said that he met this girl. (Honestly I think he's been seeing her for awhile but just now told me)

It went well. He's happy and fine. Maybe that was one way that made my day a little more decent.

I walk in and sit at the bar. Putting my head in my arms. The bartender walks over. "Bad day?" He asks and I peek up. "Yeah. Can I get a um just a glass of Vodka." I nod sitting up. He chuckles and shakes his head. Ive never heard of an actual glass of Vodka. Just shots.

"Hit me again." I hear a voice say. I jump, thinking I was alone in here. I look around and see him on the other side. Sort of looked like someone I knew. But I guess there's always people your gonna see and think, man. They look familiar.

I look over at him in awe. I didn't realize I was staring until he caught me. I couldn't quite tell his eye color, but his face and everything about him was gorgeous.

He raises his eyebrows at me and I quickly look away. I sip the vodka and squeeze my eyes shut. It was strong. But it felt so good inside my system. Relieve spilled through my body.

I sneak a look back over and he's whispering to the bar tender. I sigh and look at the glass. Running my fingers around the rim.

"This is complimentary of the young fella across." The bartender says running his hands through his white hair. I look at the shot glass and back up. He wasn't there.

"It really helps, you know, with pain." I jump again and look to my side. He stands there. Tattoos on his arms, hair a mess, and a killing grin on his face. I look back at the shot, grabbing it and downing it. I hear him smirk. "What's your name?" I look at him again. He takes a heavy breathe, as if he's out of air. "Adam." He smiles, "Yours, American?" I drink more of my alcohol. "Kate." I whisper, looking back at him. "Well Kate. What brings you hear?" He questions, settings down his glass. I could smell the alcohol on his breathe; Maybe that was mine.

"To England or this hidden bar?" I say drinking more of the strong vodka. He shakes his head, "Both?" He turns his chair to me. I didn't plan on telling him everything, but i didn't mind letting my feelings out.


HEY! I already had this pre writen so i posted it because its been a week but this next chapter might be late... ive been writing and saving to my phone but when i go back its gone idk the apps stupid. Yeah so do you think you like this adam guy???(; I know your probably expecting harry to be in by now but i hate stories on here that just get to the chase idk thats me but anyways ciao! x lilli

It's Called Revenge. [Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson: ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now