Chapter 4 // Field day

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"Shoot me now." Lacey said, and looked like she was going to cry.

If anyone hated field day it was Lacey. Muddy shoes, ugly outdoor clothing, long walking distances and packed lunch. Yeah, definitely not her favorite things. If she could decide we would be far away at a nail or hair saloon or something.

"Eew, I got something in my hair!" She shouted and started to wave her hands around like a crazy person.

"Lacey.. It was a water drop." I couldn't help but laughing. She looked so hilarious and helpless, poor little thing.

"Attention!" It was our gym teacher, who was our leader for the day. "What you're going to do is that you're going to start with orientation, then you're going to come back here and we're going to play some games. And remember to be back from the woods before half past two. Understood?"

"Understood." We all said.

"Here are your maps and your compasses. Good luck!" He said and handed them out before leaving us.

It was a cloudy and slightly rainy day and we were standing on a field in front of the woods, ready to get inside. The map said that the route would take about three hours, so we better start walking right away. I was good at orientation, but the rest was not. They sucked, literally. I remembered last year when Noel and Matt got lost and the whole school had to search for them, and we searched for the entire afternoon until Mr. Collins (the gym teacher) found them sitting on a rock eating chips. He was not that pleased.

"I think we should climb that hill." I said, pointing at a grassy hill covered in mud.

"No way. No fucking way." Lacey said and the rest of us laughed.

"Matt can take you on his back." Noel proposed. That was actually a good idea. "Sure, why not." Matt answered and grabbed Lacey. "Now let's go before my back starts to cramp."

We started walking towards the hill and I could already feel how low my energy was, because I hadn't had time to eat breakfast. We climbed up the hill and it was actually much easier than we thought, and before we knew it we were standing at the top. Matt put Lacey down and we all took a moment to look at the view. It was amazing. You could see the field, the woods and the little lake that surrounded us. Too bad the weather was so bad, otherwise we could have gone swimming later.

"So Pen, where should we go next?"

I studied the map for a second, before answering. "We have to go right through the woods, and then we will find the control on the other side. I think it's going to take more than an hour, I'm afraid."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Cole said and tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

The woods were pretty thick and the ground very muddy, and let's just say I was extremely happy I had decided to wear my boots and not my vans or sneakers. Further away you could see other students fighting their way through it as well. It actually looked kind of funny and I was betting our gym teacher just did this to mess with us, because we were such a pain in the ass for him all the time. And sure, I didn't exactly enjoy today's adventure either, but at least I wasn't as miserable as most of the others including Lacey. Plus I wanted to get a good grade, and when I wanted something I worked for it. Easy as that.

We had been walking and stumbling around for about thirty minutes when we found a tree that had fallen so that it looked (and worked) like a bench, and we decided to sit down for a while and eat our packed lunch. I could literally feel how my mouth watered as I unwrapped my ham sandwich. Wow, how could a sandwich be so delicious? I thought for myself as I took a bite.

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